Without a doubt, the video recorder is one of the best pieces of equipment you have for honing your skills. The ability to see and hear yourself in action is a marvelous learning tool, especially if you can get someone to help you by asking the questions. There is no doubt that it is easier to speak to a living, breathing person than just to the lens of the camcorder.

Dressing for success, having a confident handshake, and being prepared for the questions you will be asked is one thing. To actually see yourself in action may be daunting and uncomfortable but it is the knowledge you need to better prepare yourself for how you look and interact with others.

Recently I had a young man in my voice and presentation skills workshop who continually moved his mouth, almost in a yawn position, before answering a question. When he spoke, his facial expressions said anything but confident. This young man came to me because he is looking for a job, having recently graduated from university.

Once aware of his strange facial movements, he began to work on stopping them and appearing more relaxed when being questioned. Yes, you will (or should) be nervous for your interview. The employer shouldn’t see it or hear it however. Your goal is to look confident and sound confident as well.

There is no doubt that confidence is something all employers look for in candidates they are interviewing . Luckily, you can be nervous and confident at the same time. One actually has nothing to do with the other. When Milwaukee played Pittsburgh in the last Super Bowl, do you not think the players were nervous? Of course they were. It was the Super Bowl for crying out loud! They did not, however, allow their nervousness to affect their confidence. Both teams were determined to win. Neither went out on the field negatively affected by their nervousness.

For professional athletes, musicians, performers, actors, public speakers, broadcasters, and those in politics, nervousness is part of the game. It is expected; and, for the majority, it is used wisely and positively.

If you have an upcoming interview, get out your camcorder, have a friend ask you questions, and then study the playback. Work on that which needs improvement. If your speaking voice has issues, consider voice training. Correcting your weaknesses before your interview is one step closer to a job.

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! , the only video training program on voice improvement. For more information on upcoming workshops, visit Voice Dynamic .

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