When you speak at the lectern, on a stage or even at the head of the boardroom table, have you ever considered the imagery you use, thereby depicting your thoughts more effectively? Too often I hear those who speak so quickly and are so anxious to get it over with, that their words are said in haste with no qualifiers, no adjectives, and no adverbs.
Your success in public speaking is not just your message but how well you deliver that message. Using imagery to create a more vivid picture of what you are saying is part of those dynamics.
When I speak about voice and presentation skills, I always describe a drive I made through a snowstorm from Detroit, Michigan, to London, Ontario. In discussing this scenario, I talk about the snowstorm, that it was the middle of the night, and how the 18-wheelers were passing me, throwing their muddy snow and dirt upon my windshield. Through squalls of swirling snow, I had to continually use my windshield washer fluid so that I could see. That picture is very different than one in which I state that I was driving through a snowstorm.
You have a responsibility to make your message as interesting as possible. In addition, using the vocal variety of your voice, your facial expression, and your body language adds to the flavor. That particular drive was a nightmare and my audience can hear it in my voice and they can see it in my face as well as in the movement of my body.
Imagery is not important just for your anecdotes or stories, however. Everything that you discuss needs to be memorable to your listeners. A budget report for your company, for instance, may not be the most inspiring material to have to sit through. If you are able to use imagery when delivering this material, however, you would be surprised at the positive responses you would receive.
Is the budget a nightmare or is it a miracle? Is it secure or is it in danger? Can you depict where your company lies financially with descriptive words instead of just giving facts and figures? Any topic can be made interesting if you will use imagery to describe your message. Not only should your voice paint a picture but your choice of words can add much more color to a topic that may not be the most exciting.
The next time you speak, create images of objects, ideas, or actions by your choice of words that help paint the picture.
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! , the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Voice Dynamic and discover the best means of adding some life to your voice and your delivery.
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