Did you know the Universe is always aware of you? More importantly, aware of how you are FEELING. Not what you are doing or thinking, but how you are feeling! Do you even know what that means? That means that whatever you are feeling, the Universe is going to give it back to you! If you are feeling good, you will be showered with good feeling thoughts and experiences. But if you are feeling bad, you are going to be showered with bad feeling thoughts and experiences. Why? Because we are all a part of the Universe. We are one with the Universe and one with each-other. This means that the most powerful force that exists is aware of YOU. It is as concerned for your well-being as it is with its own because you are its own.

Have you ever wondered why things are always going for you or against you? It is because the Universe is constantly "reading" you; constantly matching that which you are sending out. If you are having a fun-filled happy day, you are going to be sending out positive vibrations. Since the Universe is fully aware of how you are feeling, it will "respond" to you with matched vibrations. These vibrations then turn into negative or positive manifestations. This is how the Universe communicates with you and how you communicate with it. It will give you what you "ask" for time and time again.

You are the creator of your own reality and you have the power to change your life just by changing your vibration. If you want to live a more joyous life, one that is full of abundance , start "talking" to the Universe by way of positive feelings and emotions. One of the most powerful emotions you can send out and share with the Universe is unconditional love. When you love, no matter what is going on, your energy is strengthened in unlimited numbers. And when your love "touches" others, their energy is strengthened and so on and so on. Think of it as a boomerang - if you "throw" love out there, it is sure to come back to you! The more you throw out, the more you will get back. The more vibrations you send out that feel good, the more positive life experiences you will get back!

Once you come into full realization of this, it will transform your life in ways that you never thought possible. Think about it for a moment - if the Universe is constantly aware of how you are feeling and gives to you, with no questions asked, that which you "put out", how is it that you want to feel? Do you still want to generate negative feelings through your thought patterns, behaviors and/or beliefs? Or would you rather generate positive feelings so that you can experience and receive all of your hearts desires?

Author's Bio: 

Cindy is a Personal Development Life Coach. Her knowledge and expertise comes from 20 years of study, personal life experiences, and from working as a community volunteer and mentor. Cindy coaches people towards finding their own personal power through inner awareness; guiding them along their own unique path toward true happiness and life fulfillment. To learn more about Cindy go to www.cindy-ortiz.com . Personal Blog go to www.leaplikeafrog.com