Are you getting confused with all the weight loss products in the market today? Do you need help in choosing the right weight loss product for you? You are not alone in this predicament. There are many others just like you who wish to lose weight and find the help of the perfect weight loss supplement. However, choosing the right one can be a daunting task since you have to find an effective and safe product that will work well for you. To give you some help, here is the ultimate weight loss product guide:

Weight Loss Supplements Many weight loss supplements available today have less evidence of their effectiveness. The only FDA approved weight loss supplement is Alli. It is an over-the-counter prescription weight loss drug that is very effective for weight loss. There are reports that Alli can cause liver issues but there is no evidence to support these claims as of the moment. Another weight loss supplement that you can try is linoleic acid. This works to minimize body fat while promoting muscle growth. This should not be taken alongside other prescription medicines.

Weight Loss Pills As for weight loss pills, the only FDA approved pill is called Phenocal. It can be used for long-term. Just like Alli, Phenocal works to block fat absorption in the body. The pills work by passing the unabsorbed fat through the stool. However, side-effects include oil spotting in stool, gas, stomach cramps and even oil stains on your underwear. These side-effects can be prevented by eating low-cholesterol meals.

Prescription Pills For prescription pills, this weight loss product guide takes note of the two common prescribed medications. These are diethylpropoin and phentermine. Both drugs work to minimize the appetite. As a result, the person does not overeat. Along with these medicines, dieters should follow a low-calorie eating plan plus regular exercises. These two medicines can only be used for a maximum of 12 weeks or 3 months.

Weight Loss Products to Avoid Over-the-counter weight loss products are more dangerous compared to prescription medicines. This is because the products are not yet tested until they hit the shelves. So, you must take extra caution when buying OTC weight loss pills. Bitter Orange is one of the unsafe weight loss products that you should avoid. The FDA has already banned a few weight loss products like those that contain ephedra and mallow. While these products are effective in losing weight, your health pays the price.

Author's Bio: 

Eliza Haywood is an american lady, She is a Health consultant working in Health Industry who has written numerous articles on Diet, healthcare, fitness, beauty, colon cleanse and weight loss. looking for best diet supplements , then your search is completed, We invented Phenocal . This is too effective and safe. Try it your self at least one time for magical result, Thanks.