Saffron is a spice that has been used for centuries. In fact, the word saffron comes from the Indo-European root that means "gold" and was first used in relation to this spice over 4,000 years ago. It has been used as both a cooking and medicinal herb as well as an important dye in many cultures. It has a beautiful color that makes it memorable and is also thought to have medical properties including pain relief and memory-boosting properties.

The saffron crocus plant is the source of its beautiful coloring, and it needs a long, hot summer to grow. The flowers give off a red color that only turns into orange as they mature. These flowers are delicate, so they need to be gathered as soon as possible in order to avoid any potential damage from frost or humid conditions.

The Top 16 Benefits of Using Saffron:

1) Saffron is an all-natural way to fight cancer and is full of phytonutrients that strengthen the immune system and help fight cancer cells.

2) Saffron is one of the most inexpensive, world-renown and delicious spices. Its traditional use goes back to ancient times, making it a popular ingredient in many dishes and cultures. Saffron is also known for its weight loss properties because it can help with appetite suppression.

3) Saffron has long been used as a treatment for inflammation and cholesterol. Evidence suggests that it may also improve lipid profiles in the body, which is thought to be responsible for high cholesterol levels. The mechanisms by which it achieves these effects are not fully understood but scientists believe that these effects are related to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties of saffron.

4) It can also be used to prevent kidney stones from forming by increasing urine pH levels.

5) It helps with digestion problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and indigestion by regulating bowel movements through its anti-inflammatory properties.

6) Saffron has been shown to help with memory loss due to Alzheimer's disease, dementia , and even age-related memory loss in general.

7) It has been shown to help with the symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder , and depression . The spice may also fight insomnia.

8) Saffron is thought to have antioxidant properties and may be useful for fighting cancer due to its ability to inhibit tumor growth and cell proliferation.

9) The spice has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent death from heart disease .

10) Evidence has suggested that the spice may also help relieve asthma symptoms and reduce inflammation.

11) Saffron may be helpful in treating depression because it is thought to have antioxidant, antidepressant, and anti-anxiety properties.

12) Saffron has been found to help with the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, though it is unproven whether it will have any effect when taken as a supplement.

13) Saffron prevents the breakdown of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.

14) Research on saffron shows that it can be beneficial in treatment of depression , but there is not enough evidence to recommend its use.

15) Saffron has been found to prevent the development of cataracts in people with diabetes.

16 )Saffron has been shown to prevent the development of cancer cells in humans.

Author's Bio: 

I love to write in my free time. I am passionate about all things creative, and have a knack for telling stories, so writing is something that I find easy and enjoyable.