In this busy life, we have less time to think of us and this negligence is resulting in some of the serious medical problems, one of them is known as the golfer’s elbow. Many people in Melbourne, suffer from this condition which creates severe pain and inflammation too.

A serious pain while bending, flexing, twisting or swinging the fingers and wrist can indicate many things. Yes, it may be a sign of upcoming problems. It will be confirmed once you consult a doctor and go through the medical tests and examinations. Now think, what will you do if you know that you are a victim of the golfer’s elbow?

We have several muscles in the elbow joint which helps our arm and hand to move and gives it flexibility. When the tendons of these muscles get hurt due to some injury or due to overuse, it swells up and causes unbearable pain. The scientific name of this condition is Medial Epicondylitis. People who are involved in sports activities are the most vulnerable ones. Sometimes it can also happen due to over stress and tension in anyone irrespective of age and gender.

Home remedies of golfer’s elbow?

If you think it’s getting out of control, it is always better to consult a physician to find out whether you are suffering from golfer’s elbow in Melbourne. But, before that, why don’t you just try some homely treatments to cure it.

Putting ice into the affected area

Applying ice bags on your elbow for half an hour, for at least three to four times a day regularly, can help you lessen your ache.

Take complete Rest

Take a break and relax. Don’t involve yourself in any type of pain provoking activity. It will only hurt you nothing else.

Use a Band or brace

After your physician recommends, wear a counter force brace which may relax your tendons and muscle stress. Today, there are numerous belts and bands available in the market, which you have to wear tightly to reduce the pain. You can always try one of them.

The exercises

There are numerous exercises you can do to treat the golfer’s elbow in Melbourne and to lessen your ache. One of the stretching exercises is to sit in front of a table and place the hand flat on it and then twisting it to the outside. Then you have to incline back on the table and thus your forearm muscles and tendons are stretched. Repeating it for five times and doing it every day may give you some relief.


There are some exercises you can do under a proper guidance. You can always consult a physiotherapist and take appointments with him on a regular basis. Some kind of physiotherapy is interferon, ultrasound and remedial massages.


This is the Chinese therapy to reduce the pain and stress. In this process, some needles are inserted at the pressure point of the affected area.

The diet

Proper food helps to release the ache and suffering.

Author's Bio: 

Steve jo has visited many pain relief therapy centers around Australia. During his visits, he has interviewed many healthcare professionals, according to them, many people are suffering from golfer’s elbow in Melbourne , but certain precautions can help them to cure it.