For several years now, we have been reflecting on the lives and souls of people, nature, and the universe that is out there on this planet. For several years we have been understanding this general feeling that things are changing and perhaps our conviction makes us advise that things will never be the same as before, but that we are in constant evolution that it seems that our experience always becomes new, with some uncertainty and full of emotions that we do not know.

This is life, unknown towards the future, full of experience towards the past, and it is because we do not have the luck to remember ahead we have called this intuition . It is this mixture of intuition and hope that encourages the scientist and the poet to do his work.

The daily work then is based on building, from experience, the way to find answers so that this intuition and its emotional expressions have meaning and give us a path of hope that proposes a route, a role, and strength. To smile at a more challenging world and, in turn, more communicated.

This is precisely where books found their role for centuries, and that has allowed in all its facets and expressions to be a testimony of the past to connect with an intuition that gives us vision and meaning, excites us and offers us answers or clues that will keep company every challenge we face.

For this reason, I declare that a book can change your life, and a book can heal your life if we observe that each book brings stories, characters, dialogues and thoughts that make sense of my life and I find in that similarity the emotion, the hope and the possible answers to existential doubts. Books treasure truths-illusion that can make us reflect and recommend others so that they can also find their destinies.

I think that all, or almost all, have leafed through or read The Little Prince repeatedly as in the search for a truth that fills us and allows us to have peace as if we had found a way, a secret, a truth that makes sense to us of life and from there, to be able to understand everything that happens around us and to be able to visualize what we think is right or wrong.

Thus, many copies have done the same through a character, a narration, or a phrase. Books are full of teachings, life experiences, and ways of presenting the human experience that makes us all have a book that has changed our lives.

I noticed the same aspect in Ron Baratono’s 2018 book, “Our Reflections” which is a collection of stories, inspiring sonnets, and a truly remarkable piece of literature which clings on to your soul. Baratono, being an American writer, has gathered immense fame for his writings. He has published two titles and over 70 sonnets which continue to grow popular among the global audience.’

As a writer, Baratono’s excellence in exuding a powerful influence through his words is often well praised. A critically acclaimed author, Baratono continues to reach greater heights with his writings, especially those soul-awakening pieces, enriched in their glory for offering a timeless reading experience to us.

Yesterday I visited a bookstore and asked myself a question while preparing this text in my head. If I transformed the contributions of each section of this bookstore into messages that change my life, I could find sections that perhaps I never visited as if it were a great discovery.

In the History Section, the experiences and testimonies of exemplary and miserable lives that preserve a vision of the past are preserved so that we can take the experience of not repeating failures or as an antecedent so that others find simpler ways to see each challenge.

In the Classical Literature section, I find that way of reflecting on the man who questions himself about his existence through very real, and sometimes heart-breaking, stories about how we reflect on ourselves. The Latin American Literature Section offers the imagination and magic of a continent that has agreed to create the magic of our existence. It presents us, amid nature, something virgin, somewhat disorganized- with cities, towns, and experiences that offer contrasts as scenarios for exotic love.

The Self-Help Section is perhaps the newest, but it refers to texts that are written differently than an epic or literary narrative but are books that offer ways to find yourself and help others by spiritual or emotional experience.

This genre is one of the most demanded because we are experiencing surprising moments: a new reader begins to awaken, wants to heal, understand his wounds of the soul, and intuits that he can live differently.

This new genre and this new reader have come to stay, and they respond to the way we want to be more efficient in understanding the message that gives us peace , understanding our destiny and purpose of being present, and being successful in the way of being to be steps away to be happy.

It is here to stay! The body, mind, and spirit book summarize our times: we want answers that reconnect us with the purity of feeling, beyond dogmas, beyond experiences. All the texts coincide that it is through compassion and the expression of synthesis of varied experiences, techniques, and advice, and narrations with very sublime experiences, that promises us to change and give us back the meaning of life.

Other media have already done this with great precision. Books are not alien to a life proposal. Well now, we will see these books as the hope that each one, in the feeling of her heart, hopes to find that little flame of light that we have been looking for.

Author's Bio: 

Martin Gray is done BSc Degree in MediaLab Arts from the University of Plymouth. He currently lives in New York city. He is a fantastic and reliable content creator with an inspiring and clear vision. He has his own blog on Medium  @dailynewnews365