Without question, your subconscious rules your conscious choices and has its own set of rules.

Rule #1: The subconscious does not think in the traditional sense but reacts out of the brains primitive fight or flight programming.

Rule #2: The subconscious moves us towards what gives pleasure (even if what gives us pleasure is destructive) and moves us away from anyone or anything that causes us fear or threatens our survival – even if the threat is perceptual.

Rule #3: The subconscious is the center of our emotions and the storehouse of our memories (real or imagined.)

Rule #4: The strongest memories held in the subconscious are anchored with a strong emotion.

Rule #5: The subconscious cannot hear a negative suggestion such as “Don’t think of failing” and interprets it as “Think of Failing.”

In the purest sense the subconscious takes what is presented to it by an outside source – other people, TV, Internet, books , articles, blogs or by what we imagine and – interprets it as – FACT.

Rule #6: THIS IS THE BIG ONE: The subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real or an imagined experience. This opens up unlimited possibilities to be mindful and cease feeding the subconscious information that is negative, fearful, self-limiting and destructive.

Take charge of your imagination; manage your thinking and – limit the amount of negative input from the Internet or television. Read inspiring articles, blogs or books . Surround yourself with positive people. Manage your thinking by visualizing what you want, not what you don’t want . Think about it. The subconscious does rule!

Author's Bio: 

James Mapes is the founder of Quantum Leap Thinking™, creator of The Transformational Coach™ & Patient Pre-Op/Post-Op Healing Therapy™, expert on the psychology of “applied imagination,” best- selling author, highly acclaimed business speaker, consultant, medical facilitator, seminar leader and personal excellence coach.
For over 30 years, James has been an ardent student of human behavior and dedicated to helping individuals, teams and organizations identify and break through barriers to reach their goals. He encourages people to be open to new ways of thinking, and his mission is to help everyone make the “quantum leap” toward more creative, healthier, productive and confident lives. For both businesses and individuals, his message promotes an innovative, powerful way of thinking and provides a new-found mastery over their imagination and perceptions. The results have been nothing short of extraordinary, creating key breakthroughs in both organizational and personal excellence.
James has spoken to hundreds of public and private companies in more than 70 countries. His clients include the healthcare industry, financial institutions, software companies, the military, training and development divisions of large corporations and major non-profit organizations. Companies, associations, universities and business schools including – IBM Corporate, The Omnicom Group, Baylor Healthcare, U.S. Coast Guard, Lockheed Martin and The Princeton Center for Leadership Training – have quoted Mapes in training manuals and textbooks.
In the 1970’s, James became interested in the power of the subconscious mind. To better understand this intriguing area, he researched psychology, philosophy, neurology and eventually, hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. His expertise quickly earned him recognition as a clinical hypnotist, becoming highly effective in assisting clients in reducing stress, weight reduction, smoking cessation, the elimination of phobias, reducing nausea due to chemotherapy in cancer patients and pain reduction. As a skilled practitioner of regression techniques, he helped the New York City Police Department in “memory recovery” with both witnesses to, and victims of, crime, and he has worked with professional athletes to help improve their performance in their sport.
In his newest program, MIND OVER BODY: Harness Vision to Create a Wellness Strategy, James Mapes brings together a lifetime of experience in the field of mind/body practices, and knowledge from his own open-heart surgery, to this interactive programs: MIND OVER BODY: Harness Vision to Create a Wellness Strategy and Patient Pre-Op/Post-Op Healing Therapy™. James teaches mental self-care and self-healing tools to individuals to manage stress, reduce pain and promote healing. James has presented to organizations worldwide on the importance of leading healthier and more balanced lives.
James Mapes’ success as a speaker and highly regarded authority on the imagination, creative thinking, communication, managing change, organizational problem-solving, successful teamwork, leadership and coaching is due to his early training as an actor and experience as a theatrical producer. In 1969, he graduated from California State University with a Master of Arts degree in theater and speech. He then worked in repertory theater, off-Broadway and directed two of his own theater companies, amassing dozens of television and movie credits. As a performer, he developed a unique stage presence with a special talent for connecting with his audience. Mapes’ work has earned him appearances on CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America and Fox Family Channel, among other media outlets.