Take the mix and put it in a bowl, add one cup of flour. Then add a dash of salt and add in 3 eggs. You can translate this recipe into the life of a child; a child that will learn how to walk, talk, run and play. The cup of flour symbolizes the love and encouragement that you instill in them. It in turn instills a sense of security within them and a sense of knowing that they can achieve anything. At this point we add in the salt. The salt is to remind them that all things in life are not fair and that all wounds do eventually heal.

We add the 3 eggs in and blend. This is where we add the education, the classmates and the after school activities. All this equals self confidence , sociability and perseverance. Now bake at 425 degrees for 45 minutes until done. Now let them grow and learn. They may stumble and fall but you have given them the courage, the self confidence and the inner strength to master life’s hard lessons.

Now let’s take out our cake wait for it to cool before we spread the icing. The icing, the icing on the cake symbolizes those special moments, those memories that seem like they just happened yesterday. It’s that first ride on the bicycle with no training wheels, the first jump in the water with no floaters, the first day of school, the first homerun, the first trophy, the first report card, the first date and their graduation.

Now let’s savor every bite of this delicious chocolate cake with a tall glass of ice cold milk. Savor the moment when the children go away to college. As they prepare for their new life, we can prepare for ours. You have made your own recipe for your own child’s success in life. It is the foundation of their morals, their principals, and it will be carried with them throughout their life.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Tami Principe. I am the creator of Womensrecreation.com. Go to http://www.womensrecreation.com . I created my website so that everyone had a place to go to offer and receive hope and encouragement. You can post a comment on one of my blogs, visit my chat room and say hello to others. You can view the books that I have posted on my website. I also offer online courses. I also have an extensive resource list as well.

You can also listen live or to the archives of my Blog Talk Radio show. My subject matter varies. Here is the link for my radio show; http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation . You can mark me as your favorite, follow me or simply listen.

I currently have two books in publication and look forward to their completion. They are to inspire others through hope and encouragement as well. They are "Walk In Peace" and "My Soulful Journey."