The price of humans is a book which creates very emotional feelings through out the whole book while reading. It captures the emotions and feelings of the reader. Every one should read this book once in his or her life.

The story involves very much suspense in the story because it changes every time in to very suspicious condition which enhances the concentration and attention of the reader.

This book highlights the criminal activities and injustice which is an important issue of the society through out the world and causes severe effect on the social life of the individuals who belong to different areas of the society

The writer is very much keen to make strong role in the development of different social and political activities without injustice and corruption but there are some powerful persons who are involved with the unjustified and corrupt activities and he highlighted it.

The Price of Humans is interesting because there is political corruption, examination of poverty, and class battles to examine the psyche of humans. The Author presents a character whose enormous girth reflects his omniscient role among the other factory workers: “Crowd-O’-People could always be relied on to provide unsolicited, accurate and objective perspectives of ‘juicy’ factory drama and corporate news. . .he fed George with news from the grapevine and provided him comfort in challenging times.” Crowd-O’-People sees and hears all, but he is not Big Brother; he is a one-man group of friends capable of rendering a variety of services.

The story is captivating and grabs the attention of the reader, making one wonder ‘what’s next?’ Perfectly balanced emotions, drama and action keeps the reader hooked to the story till the very end.

I believe this book will serve as an inspiration to readers who are opposed to injustice and who feel that humans deserve to be treated with equal respect, regardless of their station in life. The story also offers an insightful look into the Jamaican culture and community, and provides a touching tale of friendship and loyalty that will be enjoyed by many.

The story revolves around a timely and thrilling plot involving human’s lust for money or power and its aftermath, making the readers face the bitter truth of life. The skillfully designed story is a perfect blend of fear, political injustice, violence, hopelessness and incredible hypocrisy.

J.L. Edwards has skillfully used his characters to explore the very important question about the actual worth of humans. His book reflects how culture and environment influence the human nature and the way money controls an individual’s behavior .

J.L. Edwards begins The Price of Humans with a question that plagued him while writing: “Why would anyone want to read a story about a boy who had a tough life?” Readers, in turn, should ask themselves this question: Why would anyone want to read this story about a boy who had a tough life? After all, for mastery of the genre, one need look no further than Charles Dickens.

This is the story of a young boy Chaba, who witnessed the senseless murder of his father, then endured a life of hopelessness, exploitation and abuse by corrupt politicians in a hostile, war ridden environment. He met and developed a friendship with a young executive named George, who got a life shaking experience through his relationship with this kid that changed both of their attitudes to life and people.

The Price of Humans gives an insight to the reader into the stark differences between people living in the uptown and downtown, the ghettoes of Jamaica. The subject of the story delves into the issue of how human life is not valued in today’s society and it can easily be taken away in lieu of just a few dollars. A bullet is mightier than anything under the Sun. A society where killing for money is a way of life and is the only skill known to the young and the restless is being portrayed in entirety.

Of the countless novels of the downtrodden, no two are alike. Edwards is clearly passionate about his novel, and with The Price of Humans, he addresses social problems specific to modern society. Despite its frequently didactic language and plot points punctuated by an excess of distant howling mongrels, the unique characters in The Price of Humans offer readers insights into their own shortcomings and achievements.

The Price of Humans serves as a stark reminder of the crime and injustice that inevitably result when those in authority choose to use their power for selfish gain. Fear is a powerful weapon, but kindness and compassion are what will win people’s hearts and bring about true success in the end. The story also shows the deep rewards of friendship and uniting for a common cause, and how focusing one’s attention outward in seeking to help others can in fact help him resolve inner and personal conflicts.

It is quite surprising to learn through this story that people in the ghetto do not take up crime because of the money or power, rather; they tend to turn into gangsters out of sheer fear of being killed. They understand that they cannot save themselves from the clutches of the powerful and influential politicians and wherever they go they have to face the same wrath. The story revolves around George and Chaba - the two men from the same background. George being the lucky one who got taken care of by some good Samaritans who helped him survive and make a respectable place for him in the society while Chaba was in the dumps and was a totally messed up youth. George comes to rescue Chaba and the likes of him from the dangerous and violent atmosphere.

The book throws light into various lives of human and psychological changes towards the critical decisions and events at various levels. The author makes an impact on our minds about things we seldom think about, like helping the criminals come out of the criminal surroundings and giving them a chance to live a decent life and in turn helping the society in a big way.

The Price of Humans is a very sharpening and effective creation of the writer to work out and go thought the life styles of people belong to low as well as upper society, so it will show the main differences which are being faced by them in the form of political injustice, disparity, corruption, and loyalty towards power. This is very helpful for reader for critical analysis of society.

The Price of Humans, by J. L. Edwards, is a political novel set in Jamaica, 1992. Its central character is George Mogo, a wealthy executive in his early thirties who develops an unlikely friendship with Chaba, a young man from a nearby ghetto. Though they possess vast differences in lifestyle, occupation, and mannerisms, they nevertheless feel a sense of camaraderie, which grows stronger as they learn to accept and trust each other. Through Chaba, George becomes acquainted with the local ghetto community, and although he is impressed by the friendly, outgoing nature of its inhabitants, he is also shocked at the mistreatment that they face at the hands of the police and government authorities.

J.L. Edwards has utilized the characters very carefully and skillfully to find out the desired information about the very important question which shows the actual worth of humans. It reflects how culture and environment influence the nature of human and the way through which the money controls an individual’s behavior . The story shows the behavior of human’s for money or power and its aftermath, making the readers face the bitter truth of life. The story involves with perfect blend of fear, political injustice, violence, hopelessness and incredible hypocrisy.

The Price of Humans is a book which shows the truthful but clearly visible political wisdom . It covers the life style of rich people in the society who lives with great fame, be it dirty or not, but it shows the clear and vivid picture towards the struggles of the people belong to poor and low level society just to get through in their everyday lives. The basic purpose of author towards this book was to clearly show the extreme differences of the upper and lower economical class in the society.

The Price of Humans, by J. L. Edwards describes the value of life in his book. In this book he states how people misuse they powers. We know that why should we read this book which tells about a boy and the story of the boy will be same as a ordinary boys life or like other novels. But the author has shown the problems faced by the teenagers as in this novel boy name is George Mogo who is a wealthy executive and has no problem in life but how he lands up in a bad way.
How politics forces people to go in a wrong way.The book shows how care and affection can change a person life. As the George mogo changes his life once he makes friend with Chaba (Chaba is from ghetto). This book clearly shows that for friendship there is no status (no one is rich or poor) as the author specifies that chaba and George lifestyle, the way of living is entirely different. Chaba changes the life of George been together showing him the difference between good or bad. Once a person starts thinking about good or bad then itself we can think that the person is changing.
This book says that yet little humanism is left in this world and the main thing he specifies is that care, understanding can change a person from whatever bad things he has been doing in his life. This book states a story about Jamaican life but this is happening in many parts of the work. This book is not for teenagers alone but this mainly for the adults as they show the way to the teenagers. Good or bad we do tomorrow our own children going to see and do the same. A teenager can gift his friend who feels that his friend is in a wrong way this will show you care for him and you can change his life forever. He will come out of the sinful life and live a life with great joy. The price of humans is a book which creates very emotional feelings through out the whole book while reading. It captures the emotions and feelings of the reader. Every one should read this book once in his or her life.

The story involves very much suspense in the story because it changes every time in to very suspicious condition which enhances the concentration and attention of the reader.

This book highlights the criminal activities and injustice which is an important issue of the society through out the world and causes severe effect on the social life of the individuals who belong to different areas of the society.

The writer is very much keen to make strong role in the development of different social and political activities without injustice and corruption but there are some powerful persons who are involved with the unjustified and corrupt activities and he highlighted it.

The book throws light into various lives of human and psychological changes towards the critical decisions and events at various levels. The author makes an impact on our minds about things we seldom think about, like helping the criminals come out of the criminal surroundings and giving them a chance to live a decent life and in turn helping the society in a big way.The Price of Humans is interesting because there is political corruption, examination of poverty, and class battles to examine the psyche of humans. The Author presents a character whose enormous girth reflects his omniscient role among the other factory workers: “Crowd-O’-People could always be relied on to provide unsolicited, accurate and objective perspectives of ‘juicy’ factory drama and corporate news. . .he fed George with news from the grapevine and provided him comfort in challenging times.” Crowd-O’-People sees and hears all, but he is not Big Brother; he is a one-man group of friends capable of rendering a variety of services.

The story is captivating and grabs the attention of the reader, making one wonder ‘what’s next?’ Perfectly balanced emotions, drama and action keeps the reader hooked to the story till the very end.

I believe this book will serve as an inspiration to readers who are opposed to injustice and who feel that humans deserve to be treated with equal respect, regardless of their station in life. The story also offers an insightful look into the Jamaican culture and community, and provides a touching tale of friendship and loyalty that will be enjoyed by many.

The story revolves around a timely and thrilling plot involving human’s lust for money or power and its aftermath, making the readers face the bitter truth of life. The skillfully designed story is a perfect blend of fear, political injustice, violence, hopelessness and incredible hypocrisy.

J.L. Edwards has skillfully used his characters to explore the very important question about the actual worth of humans. His book reflects how culture and environment influence the human nature and the way money controls an individual’s behavior.

J.L. Edwards begins The Price of Humans with a question that plagued him while writing: “Why would anyone want to read a story about a boy who had a tough life?” Readers, in turn, should ask themselves this question: Why would anyone want to read this story about a boy who had a tough life? After all, for mastery of the genre, one need look no further than Charles Dickens.

This is the story of a young boy Chaba, who witnessed the senseless murder of his father, then endured a life of hopelessness, exploitation and abuse by corrupt politicians in a hostile, war ridden environment. He met and developed a friendship with a young executive named George, who got a life shaking experience through his relationship with this kid that changed both of their attitudes to life and people.

The Price of Humans gives an insight to the reader into the stark differences between people living in the uptown and downtown, the ghettoes of Jamaica. The subject of the story delves into the issue of how human life is not valued in today’s society and it can easily be taken away in lieu of just a few dollars. A bullet is mightier than anything under the Sun. A society where killing for money is a way of life and is the only skill known to the young and the restless is being portrayed in entirety.

Of the countless novels of the downtrodden, no two are alike. Edwards is clearly passionate about his novel, and with The Price of Humans, he addresses social problems specific to modern society. Despite its frequently didactic language and plot points punctuated by an excess of distant howling mongrels, the unique characters in The Price of Humans offer readers insights into their own shortcomings and achievements.

The Price of Humans serves as a stark reminder of the crime and injustice that inevitably result when those in authority choose to use their power for selfish gain. Fear is a powerful weapon, but kindness and compassion are what will win people’s hearts and bring about true success in the end. The story also shows the deep rewards of friendship and uniting for a common cause, and how focusing one’s attention outward in seeking to help others can in fact help him resolve inner and personal conflicts.

It is quite surprising to learn through this story that people in the ghetto do not take up crime because of the money or power, rather; they tend to turn into gangsters out of sheer fear of being killed. They understand that they cannot save themselves from the clutches of the powerful and influential politicians and wherever they go they have to face the same wrath. The story revolves around George and Chaba - the two men from the same background. George being the lucky one who got taken care of by some good Samaritans who helped him survive and make a respectable place for him in the society while Chaba was in the dumps and was a totally messed up youth. George comes to rescue Chaba and the likes of him from the dangerous and violent atmosphere.

The Price of Humans is a very sharpening and effective creation of the writer to work out and go thought the life styles of people belong to low as well as upper society, so it will show the main differences which are being faced by them in the form of political injustice, disparity, corruption, and loyalty towards power. This is very helpful for reader for critical analysis of society.

The Price of Humans, by J. L. Edwards,is a political novel set in Jamaica, 1992. Its central character is George Mogo, a wealthy executive in his early thirties who develops an unlikely friendship with Chaba, a young man from a nearby ghetto. Though they possess vast differences in lifestyle, occupation, and mannerisms, they nevertheless feel a sense of camaraderie, which grows stronger as they learn to accept and trust each other. Through Chaba, George becomes acquainted with the local ghetto community, and although he is impressed by the friendly, outgoing nature of its inhabitants, he is also shocked at the mistreatment that they face at the hands of the police and government authorities.

J.L. Edwards has utilized the characters very carefully and skillfully to find out the desired information about the very important question which shows the actual worth of humans. It reflects how culture and environment influence the nature of human and the way through which the money controls an individual’s behavior. The story shows the behavior of human’s for money or power and its aftermath, making the readers face the bitter truth of life. The story involves with perfect blend of fear, political injustice, violence, hopelessness and incredible hypocrisy.

The Price of Humans is a book which shows the truthful but clearly visible political wisdom . It covers the life style of rich people in the society who lives with great fame, be it dirty or not, but it shows the clear and vivid picture towards the struggles of the people belong to poor and low

The Price of Humans, by J. L. Edwards is the book of truth that happens in our life but we do not try to stop it nor we try to move away and live but go on with the wrong things without knowing the outcome of it nor a second they think what they are doing is good or bad. This book shows the truth color of the politicians how they misuse the power and make young people take drug, do murders. They force the people to get into such act in the time of teaching the teenagers to study and develop the country they make teenagers life miserable.
This novel is a story of a boy (George Mogo) who is from Jamaica and the author J.L Edwards has shown all the minute things very well. Like how a friend (Chaba) changes a life style of a man who has been doing murders, taking drugs. It is actually a inspiring story to each and every one of us as we can try changing the people who are doing all the illegal works. It shows that when people run behind money there is nothing visible in front of them they became blind. As there is a proverb “rich becomes more richer and poor becomes more poorer”. The friendship, love, caring, understanding and teaching what is good or bad is shown very beautifully.
In this novel the author has shown the how the teenagers are affected by the influence of violence, illegal activity. The really beautiful part of this novel it states is “Nothing is impossible” and “Life is never too late to return back”. The love between the two friends has made things perfect.

Author's Bio: 

John Edwards (Educator, #1 Best-Selling Author) completed his EMBA at the University ofThe West Indies, Jamaica. He started his career brewing/bottling internationally knownbrands of beers and beverages and later moved to Wall Street where he delved into thestock market. His life changed course, influencing his move from Wall Street to teachingmath in an urban high school. He later became a high school administrator for a culturallydiverse student population of over 1600.

He is a passionate educator with a proven ability to promote personalized learningenvironments,facilitate continuous learning for faculty and monitor policies & practicesconsistent with Federal / state regulations. His detailed educational knowledge and skillsinclude: Curriculum & Instruction,Assessment, Training & Development, Governance,Budgeting and Community Relations.During his tenure as school administrator, Edwards implemented Small LearningCommunities with a focus on career technical education, an effort based model for studentassessment, Understanding by Design (UbD) and peer leadership programs. He was alsoinstrumental in facilitating a data driven approach to school management and studentassessment - raising student achievement to historic highs in 2010.

He co-authored Fight for Your Dreams with Les Brown and is the author of Your Ticket to aDream and Step Outside Your Circumstance & Take on Your Dreams.Edwards continues to work closely withCEOs of large firms and fortune 500 companies instrategic development. His philanthropic efforts are mostly channeled through his non-profitorganization (Federan Inc.) whose mission focuses on housing, education and communitydevelopment. He is a lifetime member of CEO Space International.