The true power of hypnotic suggestion lies in the language you use to create an altered consciousness and develop suggestion within your subjects.

Conversational Hypnosis is a powerful tool of persuasion with the ability to influence and suggest desired outcomes, and the development of a fluid pattern of conversation and suggestion is an essential element to its success.

Human consciousness has a natural conflict between its ability to imagine and believe and the critical nature to question and deflect.

By using language, we can create an altered state of mind that is much more open to suggestion and influence, and achieve desired change in the perspective of a subject.

The most important step to fully mastering the language of hypnosis is to create a fluid and continuous flow of ideas.

Without a smooth and uninterrupted thought process, your subject will likely fight your suggestions and advice as their mind reverts back to its critical nature.

Practicing this stream of patterns and ideas is essential. Your language must be conversational, enjoyable, and comfortable for the subject.

They will want to hear more of what you have to say, and the natural progression of ideas will lay an important foundation for planting suggestion in the subconscious mind.

One important method of creating this natural flow is by creating a verbal agreement with your subject. You must create statements and ideas that the subject believes to be true -- thus clearing the pathway of the critical mind, and laying a foundation for the plausibility of your advice.

Although it’s not necessary to create a literal verbal response from your subject, they must realize a truth within your flow of conversation that applies to them and their situation.

Using statements that are undeniably true is a successful way to avoid disagreements. You may discuss the time or day, the weather, the physical location in which you are standing -- all elements that will avoid any potential disagreement (or critical objection) from your subject.

As your subject falls deeper into a trance, you will begin to introduce slight suggestions that may or may not be true...The key is to suggest ideas that have a questionable or slight amount of ambiguity, making it difficult and unnecessary for your subject to go to the trouble of disagreeing with your ideas.

As your subject becomes more susceptible to the ambiguity of your statements, you can begin to work on the next step of the process, the concept of piggy backing suggestions.

With a smooth and fluid conversation, you will be able to introduce suggestions by piggy backing them with your ideas that may not necessarily be connected.

However, the subject has already shut down their critical mind, and is likely at this point to accept your suggestions as true, regardless of the connection to your flow of ideas.

Finally, you’ll use the principle of linguistic bridges to tie your suggestions together. Linguistic bridges are conjunctions that connect two seemingly disconnected thoughts or ideas.

It is the “glue” that brings together your ideas and communicates in a way that your subject will respond to on the subconscious level.

A linguistic bridge is established with 4 simple words of power. By using “As,” “And,” “Because,” and “Which means,” you are splicing together your thoughts in a plausible and seemingly inarguable manner which will open up endless opportunities for hypnotic persuasion .

By creating a hypnotic flow of uninterrupted ideas, developing an agreement with subject, and connecting seemingly unrelated concepts and suggestions through linguistic bridges, you will be laying the important groundwork for hypnotic persuasion .

Author's Bio: 

Vincent Segal is a student of conversational hypnosis and NLP.

Learning how to use language and hypnotic techniques is a fascination and have helped me improve the personal and professional life of myself and others.