1. Gratitude :
Find something to be grateful for, ANYTHING. Remind yourself every single day, what you have in your life to be thankful for (I know you got something!).

2. Thoughts:
Kill the voices in your head. Kill negativity in all forms in your life, don't dwell on what u don't want, or you will get more of that.
Positive self talk. Replace those negative thoughts with positive ones.

3. Begin to dream:
Think about what you really want.
Break it down specifically.
Day-dream about it, all the time (aka visualize)
Create your Vision Board.
Dream Big.

4. Words:
Stop speaking negative words, don't get caught up in a "bitch fest" convo about your life with your BFF. Remember words hold more weight then thoughts, every time you say something out-loud your brain is buying into it, more each time. So if you go around talking about how much your life sucks, you will BELIEVE that, and it will continue to suck!
Start instead verbalizing your positive thoughts and desires. This is hard at first because it seems so unnatural. But stick to it, it again the more you verbalize it the more your brain will start believing it.

4. Believe with blind faith if necessary that your results WILL COME.

Use affirmations , and mantras to continually tell yourself the "when" not "if".
Tell yourself what you want and need to hear (I'm beautiful, I'm healthy, I'm happy, whatever)! It will be such a refreshing change form life where no one tells you what you want to hear!

5. Be aware.
Try to be in the moment and always aware, because The Law of Attraction will bring your wishes into your life but probably in a different way then you might be expecting. So be aware, and present.
Your goals/ dreams have not time limit on them, no expiration, so be patient and go about your life. Knowing they will come when the time is right. Remember the Big Picture.
Happiness brings happiness , so celibate the little wins.
Enjoy the rewards of blind faith leading to actual result, and that faith becoming WHO YOU ARE, and no longer work.

Welcome to your new life. You have the power to create it. To build it like a dream home, draw up the plans, your the architect. Then bring in the builders and start working on the new construction that will become the life you want it to be. You created the one you are in by default. Now create the one you want by design.

~Written by: Sarah Centrella for Thoughts.Stories.Life

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Centrella is the author of the blog Thoughts.Stories.Life. A writer, single mom of 3, corporate software director and Motivational Speaker.