These days beauty products are in great demand and will be always in demand as they increase beauty of a person to a maximum level. Even the teenage girls have become conscious of their beauty and want to take advice from experts in order to prevent skin problems like rashes, pimples, acne, sun tan etc. The facials and face masks are very commonly used by the young ladies. These days, beauty parlors are occupied by ladies who are very much interested in face massage , clean up, manicure, pedicure, waxing and shampooing of hair followed by a hair massage There are many popular brands and companies who have range of beauty products like lakme, Shehnaz Hussain's range of herbal products, Ayur etc which are commonly used in beauty parlors. The facial creams are very expensive and massage requires great effort but they leave glow and charm on the skin and removes all dead skin of body parts like face.

The dead skin of hands and legs are removed through waxing. All the body parts of a human requires proper and adequate care in order to retain their beauty from time to time. The beauty products can be used at home for massage of body parts and waxing also. For example-If some beauty cream leads to rashes or pimples on skin and cause further itching then better don’t make use of such beauty products.

Lips Care is also very important to retain moisture on lips and prevent them from drying up and bleeding.Firstly we will give some tips in order to assure charm and beauty of lips. So, massage of lips with ghee and keeping the amount of ghee overnight which helps in preventing drying of lips. One can also apply moisturizing lotion on lips recurrently to maintain natural look of lips. Try applying natural balm on lips to keep beauty of lips intact, also do no lick the lips.Some people even suggests that if we dip black tea bag in warm water and press it on lips for two to three times, it enhances the moisture of lips. Alternately one can also dip a cotton gauze in warm butter and place it on lips for at least 15 minutes to save lips from bleeding. Also use herbal cleansers to remove lipstick from lips in order to avoid chemical present in lipstick on the lips.

Make use of sunscreen lotion with strong SPF like 30 or 45 to prevent your skin from sun tan and harsh UV and UB rays of sunlight. Always go in sunlight by putting scarf on your face and wear gloves on hands to avoid sun exposure. The sunscreen lotion provides dual action after sun exposure also and helps in retaining glow on skin and prevents deadening and damaging of skin. A final topic that I will discuss in this write up is the acne treatment as acne is quite common occurrence with oily skin. Regular scrub on skin, prevention of oily and fatty food containing spices and chocolates helps in avoiding acne problem these days. Use face wash two to three times daily to avoid acne scars. Do not make use of oily creams.

Author's Bio: 

Stylecraze is the leading online store to purchase Sunscreen Lotion products. A wide range of Acne Scars products and other skin care products.