The crisis of middle-aged men is a transitional stage of development, characterized by a change in attitude , a reassessment of experience and a definition of prospects. It develops in the range from 36 to 51 years. Accompanied by recurring thoughts about the meaning of life and loss of opportunities, emotional hot flashes, anger, aggression, depression , conflict provocation, adultery, alcohol dependence, a fundamental change in interest. Professional diagnostics are conducted by a psychologist during a conversation. The manifestations of the crisis become less obvious if the recommendations of health specialist are respected by the patients.
The middle-aged crisis in men
The title "The Middle Ages Crisis" was presented by the British psychoanalyst to denote the age group from 35 to 55 years, accompanied by a reinterpretation of experience, loss of interest in the present. Later, the boundaries of the crisis were deferred, now its beginning is often observed in 30-45 years. However, the men go through more tough transitional stages than women. This is due to the company's high demands for professional achievements and financial solvency, insufficient recognition of the importance of implementing family lifestyle. The symptoms of the crisis are more pronounced among residents of cities, representatives of creative professions.
The causes of the crisis of middle age in men
All middle-aged men are in crisis. The level of symptoms (emotional experiences, behavioural disorders, personal and social adaptation) is determined by social, cultural, psychological and biological materials. The most common causes of the most serious crises are explicated below:
The financial inconsistency
Modern society ascribes to man the role of "head of the family", as one of the most important. In some stages of the age, self-esteem is successful or not, depending on the material.
The dissatisfaction with marriage
The personal crisis in men often coincides with the crisis of marital relations. At this time, the education of children is over, life is fully equipped, the common interests of spouses are getting smaller.
The death of loved ones
The trigger for a crisis can be the death of a parent or friend. A person with a loss of life, a person feels the most acute loneliness , realizes the finiteness of life.
The deterioration of health
After 40-50 years, physiological changes can reduce the flexibility, strength, endurance, joint pain, decreased testosterone production, body age. Reduction of working capacity contributes to the development of fear in order to preserve the possibility of professional fulfilment.
The observance of stereotypes
The media propagandize the "cult of adolescence", material and social success, the conditions of happiness . Age discrimination is widespread.
The psychological characteristics
According to people around them, overcoming the crisis is more vulnerable to insecurity. Future directions, predictability and implementation actually contribute to the transitional phrase.
The pathogenesis
The origin of the crisis of medium gravity was studied in detail by health and social specialists and experts. According to their theory, in 35-50 years there are some problems of development, the solution of which is necessary for mastering new skills and abilities. Successful completion of the crisis will allow you to gain new experience and spiritual comfort. The main task is to choose between stagnation and ego-birth, that is, spreading the welfare interests outside oneself. Realizing the second option, you identify with other people, future generations, which partially solve the problem of the existential meaning of life, the inevitability of death . The choice of stagnation "I" indicates the predominance of return and the action of forms of reconciliation. A person who prefers a familiar and comfortable state, refusing to experience stressful situations. This often leads to frustration, dissatisfaction and depression in the future.
The symptoms of the midlife crisis in men
In men, the crisis is manifested by a change in the emotional and behavioural sphere. There are thoughts of insolvency, fear of old age, hatred of everyday life. Many people talk about the importance of concerning, the desire to change everything or to turn around situations as per their perceptions. Depression , depression , irritability, rabies. However, the attempts to change the situation and restore mental balance are often destructive because there is no understanding of the causes of emotional instability.
In addition, men are more in touch with their loved ones. Previous relationships with his wife no longer respond to emerging needs for understanding, support and recognition. The work seems monotonous and boring, which hinders self-realization, a manifestation of creativity . In trying to solve the internal crisis, men change the external factors like they get separated from their wives, quit their work, play sports , fish, hunt, play computers and play games. The evolution of opinions and actions gives the illusion of an activity in life, a return to youth.
The complications of the midlife crisis in men
Without the help of psychologists, the support of loved ones, the crisis of men is enlarged, accompanied by destructive emotional and personal changes. The most common complication is depression. It arises because it refuses to actively resolve the underlying conflict and withdraws from the problem. Relationships and activities remain unchanged, but inner discontent accumulates, the idea of the absence of sense of future existence, of inaccessible happiness is consolidated. In addition, depression can develop after the end of the crisis and evaluate the consequences such as the loss of marital relations, friendship , employment, loss of career, income.
The problem-solving approaches for the midlife crisis in men
The identification of the midlife crisis is the task of the psychologist. If there are complications like depression, social and personal inadequacy, therefore, the diagnosis is made using the clinical conversation method. Normally, men criticize their own experiences by describing their emotions, feelings, anxious thoughts, fears, talk about actions. In addition, complaints about depressive states, apathy, food cravings, suicidal thoughts and psychological diagnostic studies to detect depression are being conducted as well.
The recommendations for the average age-related crisis in men
The age crisis is a natural phase of mental development, the surviving men from this do not need treatment. When consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist, the psychologist or psychotherapist should demand that the manifestations of the transitional period, the risk of divorce , the loss of employment and the development of depression be expressed. To overcome the crisis as easily as possible, the following recommendations must be followed:
The offer of emotional support
In times of crisis, people begin to feel lonely, others misunderstand the pressure of rules and requirements in all areas of life. It is important for women, parents and children to be patience and to be more interested in the affairs and experiences of a loved one.
To make productive changes
It's worth putting emotions in the background and evaluating the productivity and destructiveness of life changes. For example, instead of leaving your job, you can find a fascinating hobby. Parents and women must understand the need to change people, not to resist, to create situations of conflict, to try to diversify everyday life.
Try to reduce the requirements
During the crisis, men are aware of limits and rules of conduction regarding the family traditions, agenda, tasks. If possible, the formal requirements must be removed and the freedom of action should be extended to them. They cannot compare with the successes of others, set the inn self-esteem to meet great expectations.
To accept the changes
The crisis is the time of deep inner work. It is important not to rush, understand and analyse feelings, ideas, plans. The old development situation (attitudes, rituals, actions) can no longer satisfy the needs of man, they must understand and accept the inevitability of change.
Monitor the duration of the crisis
The duration of this phase varies from 4 to 6 months to a year and a half. If emotional stress is observed for a long time, it is advisable to consult a psychotherapist or a psychologist.
Prognosis and prevention
In most cases, the forecast is favourable to the crisis, as a natural stage of development, has a beginning, culmination and completion of the formation of a new image of self, an understanding of its purpose, its priorities, its values. This confidence provides spiritual harmony, emotional balance and qualities that mark the transition to a stable period. It is impossible to prevent a crisis, but with the right attitude to the upcoming changes, their duration and severity can be reduced. It is important to follow the recommendations of psychologists and remember the temporary nature of the difficulties.
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