What is the greatest challenge facing humankind?

The Law of Karma
When we look at the world, there are obviously many challenges, but according to Martinus, the Danish visionary and mystic, there is one challenge that is above them all. That challenge is to become knowledable about the workings of the law of karma.The law of karma decrees that you reap as you sow, or put in another way: what you do to others, you do to yourself. For that reason, it is a very, very good idea to always be conscious about what you are sowing. And when you sow something = do something to others, then ask yourself: will this be a good harvest for me when it comes back to my own life as fate?
The law of karma works like this because there is no straight line in the universe, so all the energy we release will eventually come back to us. It will come full circle in the same form as we sent it out.

When you sow carrots, you expect to reap carrots
Very few people expect to reap carrots when they sow seeds of thistle, but when it comes to their nonphysical manifestations, many people seem to think that they can sow whatever and reap roses. No matter what they sow, they still expect to reap roses. That is not how things work. Clearly not.
So, when you kill other living beings (including animals), maim them, hurt them, steal from them, cheat on them, hate them, lie to them, gossip about them or shout at them, then all that will come back to your own life as your fate. You cannot create a happy fate for yourself, as long as you sow misery for others. It is quite simple: Do to others, what you would like others to do to you.
This is what we need to learn
This is what we need to learn to make this planet a better and more peaceful place: when we go out and kill other living beings, we will be killed, when we steal, we will be stolen from, when we cheat, we will be cheated, when we lie, we will be lied to, when we hurt others, we will be hurt, when we are angry and shout at other people, we will be shouted at, when we are unkind, we will be treated unkindly etc. Knowing this should have a sobering effect on our behaviour, because once we really get it, there is a high probability that we will think twice, before we shout, steal, lie, hurt and kill. And we will ask ourselves: Is that really what I want to reap? Do I want this to come back to my own life?

This cannot be understood in a one-life perspectiveAh, you may now say: That is not how things work, because I once knew a man who killed his brother, and nothing happened to him. He died of old age. To that it must be said, that nobody can understand his or her fate seen in a one-life perspective. We do not just live one life, but an endless sequence of lives. We come back to the physical plane life after life. And whatever karma we have sown will come back to us, as soon as the circumstances are right and the possibility presents itself. It can come back in the same incarnation as it was sown, or it may be so, that the possibility for it to come back, only presents itself in a future incarnation. So, what we sow in one life, can come back to us in a later life. And we can be absolutely certain that it will come back to us, because that is how we create our fate. The law of karma is so fine-tuned, that every little thing comes back. We live in an attraction-based universe, so we will attract the same as what we send out. We have to understand that we will not just go scot free. Whatever we have sown will come back sooner or later.

How to create a happy fate?
So, it is about time that people realize that when they run around killing other people in terrorist attacks, then that is not the best way to create a bright and shining future for themselves. What they did to others will come back as their own fate. That is the whole point: you create your fate through your behaviour towards others and through your acts.
Is it a good idea to go around shooting other people? Bombing them? Stealing from them? Cheating them? Being disrespectful towards them? Being greedy? Envious? Judgemental? Hateful? Well, it is, if that is what we want to reap in the future.
But that is probably not what a whole lot of people want to reap. And the recipe for avoiding that is very simple. Sow kindness, and it is kindness, that you will reap, sow friendship , and it is friendship that you will reap, sow love and it is love that you will reap. Treat other people with respect, and it is respect that you will reap. In that way you will have prepared a really shining future for yourself.
You can prepare a wonderful fate for yourself in the future by sowing honesty, kindness, respect for others, help, friendship and love.
So, take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming others. If you are not happy with your life, sow a different kind of seed.
Becoming knowledable about the workings of the law of karma is the biggest challenge facing humankind today. You can read more about the law of karma in my books Death Is an Illusion” and “The Beginning Is Near”.

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Author's Bio: 

Else Byskov, author of 5 spiritual books and a top authority on Martinus (Danish mystic and visionary), passionate hiker and vegetarian.