Calories in should be fewer than calories out this is supposed to be the simple and effective formula of weight loss . The problem is that the formula does not work for many people. A single reason exists for that fact this formula does not factor the emotional aspects of weight loss .

For many people, weight loss is a big struggle. It encompasses cravings, emotional eating and addictions to certain foods. These components make it incredibly difficult to effectively introduce change and maintain a persons level of happiness and satisfaction.

Are you struggling with your weight loss resolution? You are not alone! Several factors could contribute to your failure and ignoring the emotional aspects of weight gain and loss may be causing your problems.

The Most Powerful Emotional Components

Several emotional responses could interfere with weight loss and maintenance efforts. The most important ones include:

Anxiety and nervousness : for many people, these emotions lead to emotional eating. When feeling nervous, these individuals need an outlet and a source of comfort. Food is frequently this outlet. Food cheers up these individuals and enables them to continue functioning while keeping the negative emotions under control.

Exercise phobias : an emotional element that is often underestimated. Many people believe that exercise is incredibly stressful. Some worry about going to the gym because of their current weight. They lack the motivation, they never enjoyed sports and they believe that the situation is not going to be much different this time around.

Body image : how do you perceive yourself? The lack of confidence and love for your own self could be preventing you from getting to that ideal weight. You may think that you do not deserve change or are not good enough to have a healthy and fit body. This is why you are probably sabotaging your own weight loss efforts.

These are just some of the common emotional issues standing in the way of successful weight loss. For some people, it could be even more complicated. A bad relationship with food, addiction and dependence are even more serious psychological issues that make weight loss impossible.

How to Deal with the Emotional Aspect of Weight Loss

Dealing with emotions should happen before you change your diet or start working out. You need to be motivated and you cannot do that if you are not in the right state of mind. Weight loss hypnosis is a good option for accomplishing that change.

Through hypnotherapy for weight loss, you will get to identify why you do not have confidence or why you have established a destructive relationship with food. The process is far from stressful. In fact, it will give you more power and control than trying to face those negative emotions on your own.

Weight loss hypnosis works on a sub-conscious level. Thus, through the help of a therapist you can easily replace the destructive thought patterns with much more productive mantras. When you complete the hypnotherapy for weight loss process, you will find it much easier to enjoy healthy foods, to feel excited about working out and to start accepting your body.

Weight loss is complex, even if gurus are trying to push their simple formulas. For a start, you need to understand the emotions that stand in the way of success. Once you address these negative thoughts, you will find it easier to get started on the journey to a healthier and happier you.

Author's Bio: 

David Samson is a regular advisor to BBC Radio London. His work has been featured in The Times, Huffington Post and OK! Magazine. Using gentle & sympathetic techniques developed over 10 years practicing successful weight loss Hypnosis treatments at his Harley street and North London clinics.

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