A Newsletter created with the intention of providing you with thoughts on the evolving shamanic practise of bringing balance between the Earth and Spirit.

Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Earth Spirit Journal. Our intention is to provide you our readers, friends and connections with an overview of what is emerging in our much larger, ever evolving community as we bring balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves.

August already seems to be moving at a faster pace than July. On 11th August the dark new moon took a “bite” out of the glowing Sun at 18º of Leo.

This rare and magnificent solar eclipse was the third and final eclipse of the season, normally, they come in pairs…

They usually stand like two revolving doors, one releasing old, stagnant, energy and the other welcoming in new, enlightened ideas and abundance .

An Opportunity to …

2018´s third eclipse had a message which is loud and clear!

It is the moment to let go of the past fears and restrictions. Instead to live your own truth, not just talk about doing so!

What is changing in the wake of the eclipse reveals something about the future and what is coming. How you speak, communicate, and share your voice is important because you are contributing to shaping that future.

Now the cosmic veils have lifted, all will feel much easier in the coming weeks to take advantage of the great opportunity we are being offered.

Opportunity to choose between doing the same thing we always have and creating more dis-comfort….

….OR, opportunity to make some dramatic shifts, create new patterns, and attain new levels in our lives...

The six planets currently in retrograde are seeking to ensure you reflect and integrate what is unfolding. Feisty Leo though is supporting you with the courage and confidence to push through any obstacle.

For you are about to feel a new rush of energy….

… perhaps more clarity or enthusiasm for your next steps...

Creation is providing you with a reminder you are supported, your life has meaning, and all is truly as it is intended to be.

Yes confusion may continue, plans and lifestyles may alter. The long-term outcomes are those of re-building and transformation .

This is where flexibility will be needed, and not just for the new few weeks.

Normally the influence of a new moon lasts for four weeks, this solar eclipse means it will last until the next solar eclipse in January 2019.

6th January 2019 is also the day Uranus goes direct. Meaning this is the moment the current cycle of understanding will bear fruit in terms of ideas, insights, liberating energy and manifestation of truth.

As I wrote in the previous edition “this month start to ask others for help and assistance in creating your new beginning. Do this and a new level of inspiration will flow.”

The Retrogrades Begin to Unwind

From now to the full moon on 26th August is when to make your new start. In numerology this period is full of 1s and 9s – completions and new beginnings.

This is also the day after the planets of order and disruption, Saturn and Uranus, complete an aspect they have been approaching since mid-May. Their growing cooperation will birth new structures and ground the potentials of the eclipse.

Then on the 27th Mars goes direct, meaning now on is when to initiate a new project, a great love, an argument, a lawsuit etc..

This follows Mercury going direct on 19th August, though the shadow lasts until 3rd September.

The new moon in Leo on the 11th is teaching each of us to shine brightly. To allow yourself to be visible and so recognised as the unique being you are. This is supported the day after by Mars entering Capricorn until 10th September. Its purpose – urging us to overcome inhibition, shyness or social anxiety .

Whilst still in place they will restrain your desire to build and support your purpose, your mission.

From the 19th the encouragement is to relax and unwind. In particular doing business in a relaxed manner, seeking to build relationships based on collaboration.

Many a spiritual quest is likely to begin as well as reflecting on how to include social justice as a core component of your business or work.

One Spirit Work

And a moment for you to Quest perhaps? Shamanics in Portugal´s 2018 Vision Quest is planned for 22nd to 25th September. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying, on the morning of 22nd September followed in the afternoon by assembly ready for the Vision Quest.

June´s Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism was both fun and intense. The next one is 27th and 28th October. The weekend before, 19th to 21st October we have Working with Energy. It will empower you to understand, receive and give energy. So enabling you to integrate energy work within your daily practice as well as cultivate and use your intuition .

A full list of our events can be found on our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/pg/ShamanicsinPortugal/events/ ) as well as our web site - www.shamanicsinportugal.com .

23rd August the Sun enters Virgo until 22nd September. With a Virgo Sun, you have an eye for detail and good powers of discrimination. This is when to gain clarity as to the service-nature of your business or career. Also to set out your plans to grow it.

This though may activate the over critical thinking part of you! Hence the need to learn to relax in order to rule out any possibility of nervous or physical strain!

A reminder particularly for many entrepreneurs – collaboration is the key to success, not your inner “I can do it on my own” set of beliefs!

Being willing to share your own thoughts, ideas, and perspectives will be valuable in any personal or group collaborative activity you are part of.

At a transition point in your life where you are wondering what is next for you, and you like the idea of doing something truly meaningful, rewarding and also profitable, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me so we can explore possibilities. Email me at shamanicsinportugal@gmail.com .

And the Full Moon will…..

The full moon rises in Pisces on 26th August. This will support improving/developing your skills and abilities into forms of transformational genius. Many will find it suddenly becomes much easier to make a profit in their purposeful business or career.

The support for those businesses or career that serves change continues throughout August. It will also emphasise the importance of business communication being authentic and coming from the heart.

Remember we do best what we enjoy and feel passionate about.To Being Visible as You

Blessings to allGregory and the Shamanics in Portugal team

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Author's Bio: 

Gregory Reece-Smith Bsc. (Econ), MBA is the #1 best-selling author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony ( http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry ). He helps executives and entrepreneurs overcome the mental fog created by burn out, stress and decision making fatigue so they achieve the freedom and flexible success they desire. He does this through shamanic and energetic practices to shift the beliefs that limit their lives and thus their world around them.

It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy. The clarity of which only became apparent when he read Ted McGrath´s foreword to The Seven Secrets. For the outsider often sees what we cannot from the inside.

Gregory has helped transform the lives of thousands of individuals as well as organizations. His blog can be found at: www.gregoryreecesmith.com .

When not helping executives and entrepreneurs move beyond burn outs and mental fog to become super heroes, you can find him sitting on the terrace conversing with visitors as they enjoy the ever changing view of Serra da Estrela (the highest mountain in Portugal), tending the vegetables or taking a country walk with his wife.