In the spring of 2018, Apple made a report in which it said that thanks to the release of the iPhone and iPad, it created over 210 thousand jobs for mobile application developers. The world's largest job-search resource provides about 15 thousand open vacancies for programmers for iOS. These calculations include US data only. If you look at statistics on a global scale, these numbers will increase hundreds of times.

Not lagging behind Apple and Google. About half a million developers are working on creating applications based on the Android platform.

Since 2007, the “boom” of mass production and the use of smartphones has begun. This literally provoked an explosion in the field of creating applications based on mobile technologies. Wall Street experts call this phenomenon the Application Economy.

The authoritative research and consulting company Gartner believes that by 2015, 90% of the devices used will be smartphones and tablets. Accordingly, the situation will change in the field of software . Experts say that in the near future the superiority in the number of software products being developed will shift sharply from PC to mobile devices. Today, their number is almost the same.

Mobile applications have achieved such widespread popularity in part because of their accessibility. Any smartphone owner can easily find the right application thanks to sites like the AppStore and Google Play. The huge selection and affordability of a one-click purchase make such sites a very attractive place to spend a couple of other dollars. Literally, on the heels of the AppStore and Google Play, platforms for less popular platforms, such as the Windows Marketplace, Amazon AppStore and Ovi Store, are coming.

In each of these stores, you can find countless applications that amaze with their variety. Large software manufacturers, providers of various services from all spheres and areas, as well as individuals, are working on their creation. Any businessman, and indeed any person, can earn big money by realizing his brilliant idea in a mobile application. It doesn’t matter if it is a game, a mobile guide, a clothing catalog or a serious financial application - a carefully thought out and well-implemented product will always find its buyer.

In addition to a brilliant idea, you need a talented development team. In such a competitive market, one developer in the field is not a warrior. It will require the work of a good designer, interface developer, UX engineer, project manager, QA specialist and programmers themselves. With such a team, the application can make a splash and users will begin to actively use it, making a profit. It is important to understand that there are several options for commercializing mobile applications. It is necessary to consult with specialists and choose the best option.

In companies specializing in the development of mobile products, the process is well-established, experience allows us to master more and more new technologies on the market, and the possibilities are practically unlimited. Lack of programming skills is not an obstacle to building a business. The most important thing is to formalize your idea into clear requirements and evaluate its relevance. Everything else is very simple to do. It only remains to choose a company with experience in developing mobile solutions on the appropriate platform: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7 . Even better, when the company has experience with all of the listed platforms.

Our company Cliffex Software Solutions LLP is just such a unique company with extensive experience in developing mobile software on most platforms available on the market, therefore, I will tell you more about the further process using a personal example.

First of all, you contact the company and report what exactly you want to develop. Since the company in no way claims your copyright, it is immediately proposed that you sign a non-disclosure agreement. Thus, you do not have to worry about the fact that tomorrow someone else will start making money on your idea. They will help you draw up and draw up specifications, offer optimal implementation methods and additional functions that you might not have guessed about. After that, a preliminary assessment will be made. Then the decisive moment will come: you need to weigh the pros and cons. If the “pros” still outweigh, and you only see in a dream the icon of your application in the AppStore top, then it's time to sign a contract and start development.

Here the process works like a clockwork. You will be introduced to the project manager, if necessary, introduced to the whole team. You will be able to fully observe the creation process. It’s like watching a child who first learns to sit, then begins to crawl, and then you already see how he runs. Before the project is completed, the application is tested so that everything works properly. The finished application is presented to the customer. After you are fully convinced that this is exactly what you have been dreaming of for so long, they will help you put the result in the application store.

As a result, the idea is realized. It remains only to watch the number of downloads and make a profit. If your idea has not yet come true, contact Cliffex , we will help.

Author's Bio: 

Ankit Kharola is a content enthusiast in a well-known Finance mobile app development Company . He loves to share his technology research and knowledge by writing a blog or article. His aim to build leadership to growing a strong and environmentally sound IT Enterprise. You can reach with LinkedIn.