I talk a lot about doing ONLY things that you want to do…

Of building a life based on your desires and wants…

And some may take that to mean that you can just do things when you feel like it…

And I suppose that it might make sense to the weak-minded that that is what I mean but Let me be clear to you, Leader, that is not what I mean…

This ‘Because I want to’ lifestyle may demand more from you than anything else you have ever done…


Because now you have to get very honest about what you want and you have to discover whether you have the courage to actually go after it relentlessly until you get it!

Talk is cheap, honey!

Now, we get to see if you have what it takes!

And that is why most people settle for a life based around things they do not want to do…

It feels easier to go with the flow…

To just be a ‘norm’

To just do what they are told to do…

To tell themselves that it is because of all those responsibilities…

To tell themselves that it would be too selfish…

When really, it is because they are afraid…

Afraid of what others will say of them…

Too afraid to check in directly with their higher power in case the lightning bolt comes and whacks them upside the head…

Too afraid that they do not have what it takes…

And it is just easier not to know!

You and I, however…

We are courageous…

We are determined…

We are focused…

We get clear about what we want…

We no longer leave it all to chance…

We deliberately design life…

And why?

Because we know that we have the most impact only we live to the fullness of our potential…

And our potential is found when we do the work we want to do…

Our potential is actually found in our wants and desires…

Because they were planted there even before we were conscious…


We know we are here for a purpose in this time, on this day…

And we can no longer pretend to just go with the flow…

However, there can be days, leader, when you seek to deceive yourself into believing that the ‘Because I want to’ uprising is based simply on feelings…

And on those days, you will indulge the fallacy that because you do not feel like it today, that you can therefore get away without doing anything…

Afterall, you don’t want to, right?!


Leader, do not deceive yourself in that crazy manner…

Do not indulge weakness like that, it causes it to grow…

The big picture you are creating is not dependent on how you feel on any one given day…

It is a choice to fully define what you want and then to show up day in, day out, regardless of your ‘feelings’…

It is a choice to tap into every single power you have at your disposal and use it to propel you forward…

Your spirituality– You choose to tap into intuition , to journal, to commune with your higher power/The universe to be inspired again to move…  this is a deliberate choice, not something you just wait to ‘feel’

Your sexuality – You recognise that it is a life-giving, powerful, creative force and so you choose to stir it up and then focus it on the work you choose to create each day…

Your story– You glean lessons from your past and put them to work to create a more fulfilling future…

Your strategy– You do whatever it takes to piece together and implement a strategy that will get you to the ‘Because I want to’ lifestyle.  You do whatever testing and tweaking you need to do to make it work for you…

Yes, as you can see, this is not for weaklings.

Though ‘norms’ may think that what I propose is weak and selfish, you and I KNOW that when we are really on the true path, the narrow path, there is no room for weakness…

BEcause demanding and then creating a life that we are proud of, doing work we love, serving ONLY people we want to serve, making as much money as we want to make…

Doing all of that is tough work…

It is the toughest of tough work and yet, we choose to LOVE the work…

To make it look easy…

Because through the work, we get the privilege of living an awe-inspiring life that others wish for…

And we get to do everything we have ever dreamed of.

We get to make and impact millions!

And live a life of incredible significance!

Leader, we are blessed indeed!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live!

PS – Yes, you are powerful, incredibly powerful, Leader and because of that, you do not have anyone around you that matches your strength.  You ask for advice from the norms around you and you get norm advice which will cause you to fall off the narrow path.  You must see that the work we are called to do cannot be done while being so completely influenced by norms.

If you do see that and you are ready and willing to ramp things up massively then lets have a ‘Hash Your Business Out’ 90 minute session where you and I will look at what you are up to and optimize it to get all the customers, clients, recruits you want online.  As you know, I do not work with the weak-minded because they cannot handle what will be brought forth in this 90 minutes together.

Leader, it is time to hash things out and get your products, ministry, service, music, books out into the world, changing lives and making money for you – Do not delay – Pop on over to Rosemarynonnyknight.com/hashbizout now


Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online