When a person hires a vehicle insurance , among the coverages of the same, is the legal coverage in case of accident, or what is the same, they provide you with the services of a lawyer to process your claim for the damages suffered in the accident. But how can I know that said professional is a good choice? What is better for me in this case, the company's lawyer or a private attorney? We tell you what you need to take into account to choose a lawyer for your traffic accident.

How to choose a lawyer for my traffic accident correctly?

To obtain the maximum benefit and compensation, it is important that you keep in mind the following 7 RULES that will help you choose the most suitable professional for your interests:

The lawyer of the insurance company is free, but on the other hand, is a professional imposed by it, so you do not have the possibility to choose it yourself and what is worse, assess your knowledge and experience in the field. On the other hand, if you choose a private lawyer, you will be able to evaluate several options and choose the one that best suits you. For the people of Kansas City, the best recommendation is Kansas City brain injury lawyer .

The lawyer of the insurance company is not your lawyer, but is the lawyer of the company, which is the one who pays his fees, hence the gratuitousness for you of said coverage. This means that you will be subject to the orders and guidelines of the company, and therefore, ALWAYS ensure in the first place for the interests of this, which, we repeat, is what pays you, not for yours. On the other hand, the private lawyer watches only and exclusively for your interests, without being influenced by pressures and guidelines of any kind.

RULE 3 In most cases, private attorneys charge a percentage or commission, which means that the more compensation you get, the higher your fees will be, which assures you a greater and better interest in defending your rights. In contrast, the company's attorney always receives the fees regardless of the final result of the claim, so your interest so that you get the highest compensation is not insured.

Despite the popular belief, the private attorney's fees are covered by your insurance company, within the legal coverage, up to the limit stipulated in your policy, and you must only pay the difference in the case that they are above that limit. Therefore, the fact that having the services of a private lawyer always costs money is NOT true. It depends on each specific case.

RULE 5 Possible conflict of interest: between the companies there are signed agreements, so that they establish which of the two must take charge of certain expenses in the event of a loss. Before an extrajudicial offer from the other company to compensate you for the damages suffered, whether personal or material, it is very common for the lawyer of your insurance company to urge you to accept it arguing that it is a good offer. In this way, they are saved from facing other expenses in case a legal proceeding will be initiated. Therefore, there is a conflict of interest: on the one hand, those of the company, and, on the other hand, yours. With a private lawyer there are no such conflicts, in addition to you can trust blindly that the possible offer they make to you is in accordance with your right.

RULE 6 For the company's lawyer, your claim is one more claim. Forget about a close and frequent treatment, since in most cases it is almost non-existent. This circumstance, on the contrary, does not occur in the case of the private attorney, with whom you can count directly at all times.

RULE 7 By choosing the lawyer of the company, it ensures control of the processing of the claim, with all that entails. In the case of the private attorney, the company remains an external agent that has nothing to say or decide on your claim.

Remember: it is NOT mandatory to have the company's lawyer, regardless of what they tell you. Without wanting to question the professionalism of these lawyers, it is true that in practice there are circumstances that make it much more advantageous to hire the services of a private lawyer in the event of a claim.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover