Maintaining Fine Balance between Compassion and Justice for All
The legal profession is one of the dignified, important, and noble amongst all. This profession plays a key role in improving our society and lawyers act as a representative for providing justice to the people who are seeking justice. However, to deliver justice requires strong legal acumen, desire and ability and judicial nature to fight for injustice that is happening in society. The lawyers should choose to act in harmony with the principles mentioned in the constitution of India. Effective lawyers are capable of preserving, protecting and defending our constitution and are capable to uphold the values and principles mentioned in our constitution.
It is essential for lawyers to ensure a good balance between justice and compassion. Lawyers should know how to differentiate between being compassionate and delivering justice. Civilized society is where there is equal balance between compassion and justice. It is important to be compassionate and it is also important to deliver justice. It is good to be compassionate, but it is wrong to tolerate injustice by being silent. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. To tolerate injustice by being silent is a cowardice. Lawyers need to have courage to fight for the injustice happening in society. Lawyers who are making a difference in the society through delivering the right legal services are no less than warriors. Such lawyers are the most important pillars of our country. To deliver proper justice one needs to be courageous yet considerate. This nature helps to be judicious in decision making.
The skillful, talented and judicious lawyers are capable of improving the functionality and justifiability of the judiciary system. Such lawyers are the great assets of our country who are able to enhance the trust of people in the judiciary organ of our country by ensuring the justice to the vulnerable and offended people in our country. Such effective judiciary system is essential to reduce the crime rates and injustices in the society and this leads to a civilised society. The capabilities of new lawyers to make rightful judgements can be enhanced by some training sessions by senior lawyers. Those lawyers who uphold the morality and integrity while maintaining an appropriate balance, the compassion and justice are capable of becoming the best lawyers.
Among all advocates, women lawyers also play the much contributing role to improve the functionality of judiciary system. Women’s intuition
and their courageous yet considerate nature help them to make most judicious decisions. Importance of women lawyers is huge in judicial system. These women lawyers are able to understand the women related issues much better and are able to take the decisive steps to ensure the justice to the women and enforce the punishments to the miscreants. This ensures the dignity of the women and it empowers them to perform their contributing role in the country with much freedom and in safe environment. The great lawyers are able to preserve, protect and defend the good people.
In this edition of Insights Success, we have featured ’The 10 Most Influential Women Lawyers to Watch,’ that are contributing to ensure the effective balance of compassion and justice in the society is maintained to the best extent possible. Enjoy reading and flipping through the pages of an article curated by the in-house editorial team of Insights Success.
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