With the field of hypnosis becoming increasingly respected and accepted amongst the medical profession as well as the self improvement movement more and more people are happy to try hypnotherapy for themselves. One question often pops up in peoples’ minds though before they are willing to put their time and effort into the practice, “am I hypnotizable?”. It’s an understandable worry as learning self hypnosis takes a lot of time and energy while paying for a hypnotherapist is a major expense.

While it is a valid concern most people do not need to worry. There have been many scientific studies looking into the phenomenon of hypnosis and the rate of hypnotizability amongst various groups of people. In general 80% to 95% of all people are hypnotizable which really is a staggeringly high amount. Can you imagine if any other form of treatment had this level of success rate? Not only would the media focus a lot more attention on it but sessions would cost thousands rather than hundreds of dollars. Be that as it may though the point is that most people can be hypnotized.

There are many external and internal forces which can lower or raise your ability to be hypnotized. You want to be in a relaxed environment that is comfortable for you and using a script or hypnotherapist that will work for your personality. Some people believe that only those with low intelligence and concentration can be hypnotized, but in actuality the opposite is true.

Testing your hypnotizability has never been easier thanks to the wide range of resources on the internet. Some methods are quite obvious while others are known by only a select few, and I will let you in on a few of these ways to test your hypnotizability.

YouTube has many hypnosis sessions recorded by professional hypnotherapists that are a great way to test out how well you react to the hypnotic process. Search for the likes of Jon Rhodes, Steve G. Jones or Roger Moore and you’re guaranteed a high level of quality. You can sit at your computer and experience a hypnosis session for yourself, which is as good a way as any to see if you can be hypnotized. Similarly there are also a range of hypnosis websites that sell MP3s at very reasonable prices ($10 on up). These make for an affordable way to try hypnosis for yourself while working on a specific goal, whether you want to lose weight, improve your memory or get a better quality of sleep.

Are you a daydreamer and/or have strong powers of concentration? These qualities lend themselves very well to being hypnotized and if you possess them then it’s a virtual lock that you’ll be able to be hypnotized. The same can also be said of those who are open minded or have a vivid imagination . Test your abilities in these areas and you’re also testing your hypnotizability.

The last method I will share with you is a little stranger. In the mid 1960’s Dr. Herbert Spiegel conducted an experiment that concluded there was a direct correlation between hypnotizability and a person’s ability to roll their eyes up - the more white of the eyes that was visible the more hypnotizable the subject was. No-one has yet been able to fathom the link between these two abilities. Still it is a test you can do yourself very easily, although you will need a second person to tell you how much white of the eye is visible.

There you have it, everything you need to know to test your hypnotizability. Hypnosis is a wonderful tool for improvement and if these tests have proven you to be hypnotizable then I fully recommend you start adding hypnosis to your daily routine.

Author's Bio: 

Jake Rhodes currently works at HypnoBusters - the leading online resource for hypnosis . You can find a wealth of information on hypnosis there as well as hypnosis mp3s and details on how to learn self hypnosis .