Type 2 Diabetes has become one of the most prevalent health conditions in the world. The purpose of this column is to become a proactive health consumer. Proactive health consumers become well educated about common conditions that we face throughout life.
I often hear patients say, “I’m not diabetic—I have low blood sugar”. Here is the link.
The Cause of Hypoglycemia
When sugar is consumed, the pancreas produces insulin to allow sugar access into the cells of the body for energy. Sugar and everything that is converted into sugar will elevate the amount of insulin released. The body produces an increase in insulin to cope with large amounts of sugar in the blood stream.
This produces a condition that is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance allows sugar to accumulate in the blood stream. This accumulation of sugar will damage the receptors of the cells causing them to “burn out”. Heightened blood sugar causes damage to tissues of the body and affects the ability of sugar to be removed from the blood stream and enter cells.
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is not too different. The body produces an excess amount of insulin, but the insulin receptors are not yet “burned out”. If the receptors are still intact, the excess insulin continues to transport sugar into the cells and the result is low blood sugar. When blood sugar levels drops the body will start to produce symptoms of hypoglycaemia.
It is very common for individuals to experience the following symptoms associated with hypoglycemia: skin discoloration, trembling, perspiration, hunger, agitation, fatigue, blurred vision, and convulsions. The person could even pass out and lose consciousness.
A patient with these symptoms commonly consults with the local hospital to receive diagnosis for the condition. Many doctors and dieticians will instruct the patient to follow a hypoglycemic diet
. The hypoglycemic diet
is full of carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, pasta and breads.
This is “thought” to normalize low blood sugar, but does it fix the condition? Coincidently these are the exact same foods that will cause the excessive production of insulin causing insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Hypoglycemics are commonly taught to have regular smaller meals to avoid large fluctuations in the amount of insulin in the bloodstream. What are the results of following these recommendations? Heightened blood sugar!
Here is a quick review of how it works: Blood sugar is increased by eating, the body compensates by increasing insulin to transport of sugar to the cells, this will drop blood sugar levels, causing the patient to eat again.Albert Einstein once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Both of the strategies for coping with hypoglycaemia thus produces insanity, since they never fix the underlying cause of the condition.
Eating a lot of carbohydrates causes the body to produce more insulin. This is how someone with low blood sugar can soon become type 2 diabetic with high blood sugar. The excess insulin production leads to “burnout” of the insulin receptors.
Eating small meals will set up a true dependency. A vicious cycle. The body is designed to be able to function well with a long periods of time between meals. Eating multiple meals throughout the day will force your body’s hormones to become imbalanced.
The only people who can get away with eating the “several small meals throughout the day” eating plan are regular athletes. They will burn the energy as soon as it goes into the bloodstream.
An athlete that eats like a horse may never gain a significant amount of weight or have health issues. Let’s look at that same person years later, same diet and less exercise . What do they look like? Overweight, on medications and type 2 diabetic.
Eat a diet that consists of a moderate amount of proteins and one that promotes the use of fat (instead of sugar) as the body’s primary source for energy. Of course, that means all carbohydrates, all grains, sugars and most fruits should be eliminated until the body normalizes.
We utilize a dietary plan that will support healing by limiting snacks and extra meals throughout the day. When your body learns to utilize food for longer-term energy, you don’t need those extra meals, and you won’t crave them. Visit www.drhealthshow.com a free dietary resource.
What is the Solution?
If excess blood sugar is damaging for people with a normal level of blood sugar, it certainly is damaging for those with both high and low blood sugar. Having high insulin levels is a prime way to increase aging in the body. High insulin causes degeneration and breakdown of the cells in the body.
We need to reach a point where the body no longer utilizes sugar as its primary source of energy. We can break the cycle. When the cycle is broken, there will no longer be the repetitive spiking of blood sugar and insulin. This will normalize hypoglycaemia and prevent fierce hunger pains.
How do we get our bodies to become fat utilizers versus sugar? Cut sugar, eat healthier fats. Healthy fats are not modified in any way (therefore not processed or heated). Great examples include olive and coconut oils, raw nuts and raw butter. These fats provide your body with nutrients to build cell membranes, absorb vitamins and decrease systemic inflammation.
Damaged fats such as trans fats (hydrogenated oils), vegetable oils, and canola oil have been denatured through heat and chemical changes, causing them to oxidize and form free radicals which are hazardous to your health and produce cancer.
Can Supplementation Help?
One of the supplements that can assist in managing low blood sugar is chromium. Chromium enhances the action of insulin, allowing the body to lower its insulin production.
A variety of herbs
help maintain blood sugar, and even ease sugar craving. Stevia, a sweet non-caloric herb which can also be used as a natural sweetener, and cinnamon and fenugreek are useful.
What is the Best Diet if you are Hypoglycemia?
If you experience massive metabolic swings, you may need to be supervised by a doctor. While changing your diet and health habits , you may see it drop to an unhealthy level, it only makes sense that the best way to restore a normal level would be to consume a healthy, naturally cultivated form of sugar.
Pure coconut water fits this description if available. The liquid of coconut will supply sugar needed to boost blood sugar levels, without wreaking havoc on other bodily organ systems. Low glycemic fruit such as berries, granny smith apples and even grapefruits are great foods to maintain a healthy glucose level in the body.
If you are interested in more detailed information please visit our website:
This website is a resource for you to be able to get additional information on all topics discussed. There are additional newsletters, audios, nutrition and fitness tips available. Recipes are also now available that are approved for hypoglycemia.
Changing Mindsets, Changing Lives.
The column is not meant to give or replace valuable medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is designed for educational purposes. If you have questions or would like to request a future topic, email info@drhealthshow.com
Cory Couillard has owned two private practices and has been the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Brand Officer for the largest privately owned clinic in the United States. While doing missionary work in Zimbabwe Africa he fell in love with serving the people and had a vision to help transform how healthcare is being delivered. He worked as a doctor and clinical director of one of the largest clinics in the world. He is pioneering and reforming how healthcare and health insurance is being administered and delivered in Zimbabwe and worldwide. He is active in professional development, education, research and clinical case studies. Zimbabwe has been an amazing venue to serve on the highest level and provide cutting edge health research.
Currently he is a professional healthcare writer for newspapers, magazines and other publications in over a dozen countries. He is also developing two international television programs on health.