Sometimes we may feel a lot of stress and depression . Therefore we implement a few strategies that temporarily make us feel better. These strategies do buy time but they do not give a permanent solution to our problem. They include denial and complaining, and sometimes people resort to things such as taking drugs, overeating and many more. What they don't understand is that these are ineffective coping strategies of managing their lives. Then one might ask, what can we do to manage our lives successfully and gain empowerment ? The solution is here!

We should take a break once in a while. A change in environment can refresh our thoughts. Even just taking a walk helps. Some people talk to a friend and some are even helped by counting to 10! Stressful problems are usually solved by addressing them directly and doing it immediately. Thinking about a depressing issue simply without acting on it simply adds to the stress. Accepting it is difficult at times when strong feelings or emotions are involved. When we suffer a loss, lots of emotions follow such as anger and pain and grief , etc. We need to work with each emotion at a time to manage our life effectively and successfully.

Using positive thoughts can calm us, and they decrease worried ones at times. This is sometimes difficult because it is natural and easier to worry. What we don't realize is that at times we worry about the past and the future at the same time in the present. This simply makes us more stressful. Positive thinking takes practice. We can manage our life successfully by our thoughts. Nurturing the part of ourselves that is spiritual. Religion, science and nature have been known to deepen the spiritual part of a person. We need to learn a relaxation technique. There are many ways to do that. Physical stress can be handled through conscious relaxation .

We need to separate our professional and personal life and establish clear goals for each one. We need to manage time instead of letting time manage us!

We need to pace all of our actions. Having and activity-rest schedule allows us to rest before we get too tired or over work. Overwork causes more physical stress and adds to the mental stress we may already have because in such a state a person tends to think more. Activity means having your feet on the floor. This includes standing, walking , sitting with feet crossed on the floor and so on. Similarly, resting means have feet off the floor and lying down or sitting in such a position that it relaxes the body. Have a "sick day" plan for fewer activities and extra rest.

It is always ok to ask for help. And one should not feel guilty after saying no, if no is the truth!

Successful Life Management techniques also involve socializing with one's family and relatives along with other healthy activities that involve utilizing the body and mind to a healthy extent. A key point in being empowered is to never mix professional life with the personal ones, as it may create stressful situation at times. We need to have a relax state of the mind.

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