The visionaries who paved the way to where we are now must be commended for their work. They took a dream, a simple dream; they took the time to map out all the different possibilities to set their dream in motion. They stretched their imagination as far as it could go, and it worked out great for them. Sure, there might have been a few dreams that didn’t turn out as planned, but in the end, they watched their dreams transform into a life of their own.
Some examples of great visionaries are: Henry Ford, John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison to name a few. You can do exactly what they did by stretching your imagination . The thing about the imagination is, there are no limits, nothing is impossible. It is easy, clear your mind, totally clear it. Think of nothing, just be. Once you do that, you can start to let your mind wander. See what pops up; it can be a word, a phrase, an idea of how you can simplify your life, a new idea, or something that you’ve always wanted to do. Once you do that, the planning starts. What steps do you have to do to make it come alive? Again, let your imagination flow, the possibilities are endless. Map it out, draw it out, and work continuously to make it happen. You have to keep your dream alive; you created it and it is your responsibility to make it happen.
Our famous frontiersmen and explorers had a dream. They traveled to places no one has gone, they let their imagination go and they had no boundaries. Some of them were: Lewis & Clark, Christopher Columbus, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, and James Bowie. Our world is so vast that it makes you wonder. Has every stone been unturned to reveal all of its history that lay beneath the soil? Have our footprints touched every inch of our world? You can focus on a part of the world that you want to visit. What is it that draws to you to that place? Have you seen all there is to see?
Risk is the common denominator that all of these people, and so many more that weren’t mentioned, have in common. They took risks, they dared to dream, and they watched it become a reality. You can do the same thing. But you have to be willing to let yourself go, to take risks, and to realize that your possibilities are endless. Many people have paved the way for us; they have had struggles along the way and have made many sacrifices for their dream to come true. Now it’s your turn. Stretch your imagination and make your dream come true.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Tami Principe. I wanted to help other people so I created my website . In short, I am a Motivational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Radio Talk Show Host, and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I believe that our struggles are temporary, and important lessons can be learned from them. I am the author of 4 books, “Walk in Peace,” & “My Soulful Journey,” & “The Wishing Well,” and “The Green Rabbit.”My radio show is,feel free to listen to the archives.