The word 'quitting' means putting an end to a state or activity, so if you ever pick a cigarette again, then it means that you never had quit smoking in the first place. Those who have just started or are thinking of starting the long walk back to the 'smoke-free' state need to live by one rule - ''It's not OK to have even a single puff.''

One smoking cessation program that helps you stay off cigarettes for good is the stop smoking hypnosis program.

Read on to know more about the power of nicotine, hypnosis , and how a stop smoking hypnosis program can help you overcome nicotine cravings.

Power of nicotine

3 days is all the time our body takes to flush out all the traces of nicotine from the system.

At first glance, it appears amazing that so many smokers are not able to shed their dependency on a substance that our body can flush out in just 3 days. However, a closer understanding of the power of nicotine reveals why this is so.You see, nicotine works at both a conscious and subconscious level. Our subconscious mind sends cues for smoking to the conscious mind. These cues, in turn, manifest into nicotine cravings.

Nicotine dependency at a subconscious level is the reason why ex-smokers continue to have nicotine cravings. The perpetual chain of nicotine cravings makes quitting smoking impossible and is the main reason why so many ex-smokers again pick up the cancer stick after staying off it for long.

However, if we have access to a mechanism that allows us to control the nicotine signals sent by the subconscious mind, then we can easily stay off cigarettes.This brings us to another question - how can we control the subconscious mind so that it stops triggering nicotine cravings?

The answer is through a stop smoking hypnosis program.

What is hypnosis?

In simple terms, hypnosis is concentrated relaxation . Please note that 'hypnosis' and 'relaxing' are two different states. Through hypnosis, a person relaxes while focusing deeply on a particular thing.

During hypnotherapy, a person is able to move past the guards of the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind. The beauty of our subconscious mind is that it does not understand the difference between reality and imagination .
By accessing our subconscious mind through hypnotherapy, we can feed it any information that we want, and this forms the basis of any stop smoking hypnosis program.

How stop smoking hypnosis program helps you

A stop smoking hypnosis program helps you feed your subconscious mind by telling it that nicotine is harmful or that you don't want to smoke.
The result of this constant feeding of the subconscious mind is that it stops sending cues for smoking to the conscious mind. In other words, nicotine cravings stop occurring. This, as you may guess, helps immensely in winning the battle against nicotine. After all, why would an ex-smoker smoke if he/she experienced no cravings?
As an aspiring ex-smoker, you increase your chances of success considerably by joining a stop smoking hypnosis program.

Author's Bio: 

Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. In order to keep up with the very latest in research, he regularly attends training conferences. Learn more by visiting: