The 3 step process to presenting with confidence is:

1. Harness your attitude
2. Improve your approach
3. Work authentically through your own personality

In this article, we’ll explore the third and final step – Working authentically through your own Personality. This step also includes using your appearance to your advantage.

By appearance I mean more than the way you’re turned out, (although it is important to dress appropriately) rather I mean that you should think about what you’re doing with your face.

For example, are you smiling or frowning?

Do you exude sincerity and trustworthiness?

Or do you appear nervous and apprehensive?

If this is something you’re not really aware of at the moment, then you could practise in front of a mirror, take a video recording (nowadays it’s easy to use your mobile phone to do this.)

Alternatively, you could ask for specific feedback from people you trust – either during a practice or rehearsal, or during your actual presentation.

When thinking about your natural personality you need to be aware of how you are and how you behave most of the time.For example:

•Do you naturally use humour? Is it generally focused inwards or out? Are you good at thinking on your feet and delivering one liners or puns?

•How much or how little do you gesticulate during normal conversation? Some of us are very expressive with our hands and bodies, even with our faces; others less so.

•Are you naturally calm and tend to stand still? Or, are you full of nervous energy and like to move around when you’re talking?

I’m a great believer in working to your natural tendencies so that you’re authentic and appear much more natural and confident.

It’s no good trying to stand still with your weight evenly balanced and your hands clasped in front of you if you like to use your hands to emphasise points, and you like to move around!

By the same token, it’s no good trying to move and gesticulate if it doesn’t come naturally – you’ll feel more comfortable and look more confident if you stand still.

Remember, presenting with confidence is about your ability to be as authentic as possible and appear as natural and comfortable as possible; as you would if you were just having a conversation with someone!

So, improve your approach, think positive thoughts, smile at every opportunity and be yourself. Above all, get more experience because Presenting with Confidence really does get easier with practice!

Author's Bio: 

After experiencing unhappiness in her work and then a decline in her business results that affected how she felt about herself, her business and her life, Julie developed her breakthrough DANCE system to help business women reconnect with themselves to discover their own true path to success rather than simply following or modelling others. For free success information and details of her book Stepping into Success ...The 7 Essential Moves to Bring Your Business to Life visit