What is Waardenburg Syndrome?

Banoth Srinivas is raising funds on India’s top medical crowdfunding platform Impact Guru. His three year old daughter, Sreeja, is suffering from Waardenburg Syndrome. This is a rare genetic disorder which causes changes in the victim’s coloring, of skin, hair, and eyes, as well as appears with some level of deafness in a group of sufferers. Those with Waardenburg Syndrome who experience deafness most often have it congenitally. Their hair goes grey rapidly, beginning soon after birth, and their eyes are light blue or grey (sometimes a single patient of the Syndrome will have two differently colored light eyes).

What’s In Store For Sreeja

There is no firm cure in place for Waardenburg Syndrome. To remedy the loss of hearing, hearing aids or cochlear transplants (for inner ear profound deafness) may be used, and through speech therapy the patient might be taught to speak normally. This is exactly what Banoth Srinivas, a working-class father from Telengana is raising funds for. The Banoth family has no savings to speak of. When they discovered crowdfunding by chance, they chose to give it a shot to try and collect the INR 13 lakh rupees needed to pay for little Sreeja’s cochlear transplant. The child will be able to hear if the transplant surgery can be carried out, and she can speak to her parents and even play and make friends with other children her aid. She will have, in short, a chance at routine happy life that other children of her age can take for granted.

The Crowdfunding Platform’s Role

Impact Guru is putting its whole support behind this fundraiser , because it attaches value to human experiences and is committed to making the world a better and happier place for all. Sreeja’s struggle is shared by her parents already, but on her journey to full health she will have the company of all compassionate donors who will come together on Impact Guru’s platform to pool funds toward the cause of her recovery. Every donor will have stakes in her recovery, and Sreeja will not only receive help with funds , but also lasting good wishes and the blessings of those who will make this fundraiser a success.

Author's Bio: 

Torsi is a professional blogger.