I am in Paris, the most romantic city in the world, sending you a big dose of "joie de vivre." Even the crows are making love here - I'm not joking, I saw two crows making love in the Jardin du Luxembourg yesterday and it drew a crowd!

The tulips are blooming everywhere and the ground is bursting with new life - beautiful flowers, birds, and of course, bees. Which brings me to the question of how we, as human beings, bring this spicy springtime zest into our daily lives? Sometimes, we get stuck in a drab grayness in our routine and a bit of the mundane. Don't forget to get outside on a regular basis to remember your own joie de vivre. Even a simple thing like lying on the ground in a field of flowers, and feeling the grass on your feet or the warm air on your face can revive you and help you remember that all of life is sexy - dare I say it - even the mundane.

France is an archetype (or a symbol) of the power of the Feminine force of beauty and nature. Beauty and especially the beauty in nature can be healing and revitalizing to our thirsty soul. This week - revel in beauty - let yourself drink it in. Ask yourself: What do I find beautiful? What nourishes my soul and my body? Don't filter - let it in. Let yourself be nourished. You will feel recharged and attract interesting people and experiences to you.

Author's Bio: 

Barbara has a BA in Biology and an MA and PhD in Psychology, with a specialty in Mind-Body Health. She is a certified spiritual counselor and coach, and was also trained in past life regression by Brian Weiss, MD. She's trained in integrative Eastern and Western techniques to help couples improve their sexual relationship. Barbara teaches clients integrated tools that help them create the life and relationships they envision. She’s been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine’s Love and Lust column as well as other international media sources. A client recently said that just by doing the meditation techniques in her class, their business and income expanded greatly because they were more centered and present. Another client lost the fear to ask for what they wanted in life in general, so they asked for and received double their salary and several months’ vacation. Clients have revitalized their love lives and become more comfortable with themselves. The techniques she teaches are unique and powerful. She can teach you techniques to get out of the struggle mode and regain your sense of self, while still having an enjoyable work and family life using a holistic, integrated approach incorporating both traditional goal-setting techniques as well as alternative techniques derived from acupressure and yoga to help you raise your self-esteem, feel balanced, and reach your goals more quickly.

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