The somnoplasty surgery is now the popular option to resolve snoring. Aside from the significantly good somnoplasty results and success rates, the operation also has low pain factor and short recovery period. Snoring has long been considered a harmless sleeping condition, except to the bed partner of the snorer.

But studies would reveal that snoring is a latent symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. This is due to the obstructions of slack muscles in the throat and nasal airways. During daytime, or when the person is awake, the muscles are consciously controlled to stay in position and give way to the airflow. But when the person is asleep, the tissues fall into the airways, blocking it and vibrating as the patient breathe, resulting to the snoring sound.

The somnoplasty surgery works in firming the slack muscles and in reducing the sizes of excessive tissues by shrinking thru burning. Using low level and controlled radio frequency heat, the uvula is strengthened or ablated. The same process is done to enlarged tongue, tonsils, adenoids, palate, turbinates and excessive nasal tissues and obstructions. The process will burn the tissues and the body will naturally purge the burnt parts. Before the burning process, local anesthesia will be applied. The whole duration of the procedure lasts an average of 30 minutes. The patient can go home after and return to normal daily activities in less than a week.

The somnoplasty results to wider airways and firmer throat and nasal airway muscles. Making the patient breathe easier and sleep better. However, somnoplasty results might also include somnoplasty side effects and other complications. Below are some of the side effects:

1. Failure to resolve the snoring – Somnoplasty usually needs more than one session. After six to eight weeks, the duration which the operated area is expected to completely heal, a check is required to determine if another session is needed. Sessions will continue until the desired somnoplasty results are achieved.

2. Injury to the adjoining tissues – The operation involves utmost control of the radio frequency heat. It is always too easy to burn unintended tissues, irreversibly injuring it.

3. Bleeding and infection – The patient should allow the surgical wounds to rest and heal before applying stress to it. Avoid too much talking, shouting, laughing and straining. Moving around might also open the wounds. Taking in hot soups or liquids might trigger bleeding. Stick to sipping cold beverages immediately after the surgery. Infection should be avoided. Take the antibiotics prescribed before and after the procedure.

4. Swelling and blood clots – These are some of the somnoplasty results to be expected. The operated area could swell for the next day or two, in some cases, it takes a week for the swell to finally subside. Blood clots are also quite common. Just watch out for possible infections.

5. Impaired senses – These are very rare somnoplasty side effects, but cases have been reported for impaired sense of smelling, hearing and taste. Also, some procedures for somnoplasty results to changed voice pitch.

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If you need more information about somnoplasty side effects , then make sure to check Douglas Kidder's excellent free report on somnoplasty effectiveness .