From Joe Wolfe
I founded the prison ministry known as Spirit Light Outreach. It’s primary function is to share and deliver Course related books to prisoners. For over six years now I’ve been sending prisoners copies of books, including copies of A Course in Miracles and material written by several well known teachers, like Jon Mundy, Gary Renard, Robert Perry and Ken Wapnick.

But I’m running out of copies of books . For that reason I recently re-released a new publication called Letter To A Prisoner. Letter To A Prisoner contains 365 daily life-changing lessons, anyone can apply, that if practiced with strict sincerity will change lives forever for the better.

Based on authentic forgiveness, these lessons will transform even the most ruthless and pessimistic of minds and bring ever-lasting Peace . One lesson per day contemplated with a commitment to stick to it unwaveringly will guarentee an end to all negative thinkingness, and prepare the way for the experience of everlasting abundance .

This 370 page 8” X 10” volume includes all of the lessons in the workbook of A Course in Miracles as well as three very helpful introductions to the Course by Carrie Triffet, Gary Renard and myself. This new publication guarentees a steady and continuous supply of the books prisoners need.
So I called to invite you to share this mission with me.

For every copy of Letter To A Prisoner that is ordered by anyone, another copy is automatically delivered to a prisoner. So I’m asking you to do that. You can buy a copy on line at or any order it from any good bookstore or including To see more on what I do, you can visit these two websites: and listen to a radio interview conducted by Neale Donald Walsch on this cause and Letter To A Prisoner at .

Thank you for caring.
Love, Light and the Peace of God,
Joe Wolfe, author of Letter To A Prisoner.

Author's Bio: 

Joe Wolfe is the author of Letter To A Prisoner and founder of Spirit Light Outreach, an ongoing effort to deliver inspirational books to prisoners.