Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is also known as Microsoft 70-515 exam. This exam is an expert level exam that requires a lot of expertise. Exam 70-515 is about developing web based application. Exam 70-515 is especially designed for developers. The candidates must have experience of using Microsoft visual studio for developing web based applications and Microsoft ASP.net. Candidates having extra ordinary experience of using Microsoft Visual studio 2008 can do their best in getting Microsoft certification for exam 70-515. The exam offers dual certification of MCTS AND MCPD. Exam is totally based on multiple choice questions and answers. So exam 70-515 makes you top ranked certified developer.

Microsoft 70-515 Exam topics:

• Developing Web Forms Pages (19%)
• Developing and Using Web Forms Controls (18%)
• Implementing Client-Side Scripting and AJAX (16%)
• Configuring and Extending a Web Application (15%)
• Displaying and Manipulating Data (19%)
• Developing a Web Application by Using ASP.NET MVC 2 (13%)

The easiest way to give recognition to your skills is to get Microsoft certification is by clearing exam 70-515. After passing Microsoft exam 70-515 you are entitled to be Microsoft certified technology specialist in .NET Framework 4 Web Applications. And Microsoft certified professional Developer as Web Developer 4. Exam 70-515 upgrades your career profile and your career success is guaranteed as web based application developer is in huge demand in the market. Exam 70-515 can provide you great career uplift. Become a Microsoft certified developer, as Microsoft certification is the recognition of your skills in your respective field. Candidates who are intended to take the Microsoft exam 70-515 must have understanding of the new features of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.

Now it’s very easy to pass exam 70-515 with self exam engine’s practice resources. Self Exam Engine 70-515practice questions and answers are crafted by the best field experts to coincide with the latest Microsoft 70-515 exam questions. Single and multiple choice questions and answers, drag and drop, build tree, create tree, interactive are the types of real Microsoft exam questions and answers that you can take using Self Exam Engine 70-515 practice resources. Self exam engine practice material is easy to comprehend as it is designed for all candidates and IT professionals. Either the candidate is a beginner or an expert level they can both take advantage from the practice tools of self exam engine.

Practice testing software format makes you champion in all topics related to Microsoft 70-515 exams. You can acquire the best skills by using Self exam engine’s Practice test software on two modes; Learning and Testing. Learning mode provides you detailed explanation of each and every question; you don’t need to consult with any instructor because practice resource of self exam engine is a great instructor which removes all ambiguities by providing accurate information about all queries. Testing mode of Practice testing software gives you a chance to assess yourself before exams so that you don’t have any confusion about your performance in exams. In this way Self exam engine practice material helps to make you successful in your first attempt. So just get the best practice material of self exam engine for getting Microsoft certification.

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Self Exam Engine is the best IT certification training tools and practice resources provider. Self exam engine offers latest and best Microsoft 70-515 questions and answers and 70-515 exam practice testing software.