Our modern lifestyle has made us complacent is terms of our health. Gone are the days when manual labor was the only way to get things done. As backbreaking as it was, you have to admit that the people in those times were a hardy lot. Now, automation has replaced manual work and we barely have to lift a finger to get things done. Need to get to the 4th floor of a building? Take the elevator. Need to do the laundry? Use the washing machine. Need to clean your home? Use the vacuum cleaner.

The sedentary lifestyle we now lead has given way to a host of health problems(In French insuffisance cardiaque ). Heart attack, cancer, diabetes a majority of the time, they’re caused by what we eat, our habits and lack of exercise. The drive to achieve success in the workplace too has given rise to stress which only compounds the problem. When it comes to food, what we eat plays a major role in our health. Here we have a few recipes (vegan) of health foods which are tasty, healthy and can has lots of antioxidants(In French antioxydants ) that can help prevent and reverse a heart attack.

Baked vegetable stuffed potatoes are yummy and easy to prepare. Use fat-free cheese and soymilk which are low in calories. For a mock tuna salad, substitute soy chunks for fish. This way, you get your proteins without a hint of mercury. Potato pancakes are a great choice for breakfast. Free from fat, they’re filling and very healthy. For a light meal, try a lemony asparagus soup. Use powdered soy or rice milk instead of dairy milk. For a heavier meal, try a Shepherd’s Pie and substitute soy chunks for meat. A vegetable casserole is also a great way to eat healthy and can be had as a side dish or a main course.

We have given recipes of only vegan products in view of diseases that can plague livestock and high mercury levels in fish. Of course, if you prefer you can still make the dishes non-vegetarian. The thing to remember is to eat a lot of veggies as they contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body. Health foods are also becoming popular nowadays as people have awoken to the realization that their health isn’t something to be wagered.

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