Knee pain is known to be the most common musculoskeletal problem that may call for treatment from a doctor. More and more people of various ages, especially the elderly persons are facing knee problems in this increasingly active world.

Knee pain is a very common ailment that people experience at some point in their lives. Knee pain has a wide variety of specific causes and treatments. These causes may include sports, exercise and other activities leading to muscle strains, tendinitis, and more serious injuries to ligaments and cartilage. Apart from these there may be knee problems caused by aging bones and ligaments, mostly seen in elderly people. The knee pains can be so severe that they may limit the daily activities. So all these cases of knee pains shouldn’t be ignored by any chance.

Herein below are some of the common causes of knee pains:

Knee Arthritis - Arthritis generally causes severe knee pain and even disability. It is a deteriorating condition that can eventually require surgery. Arthritis can be of different types like rheumatoid arthritis , post-traumatic arthritis , and osteoarthritis. All of these problems may make you experience stiffness and swelling in the knees and it may also be hard for you to bend the knee.

Knee Osteoarthritis- The commonest type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. This ailment involves progressive wearing of the cartilage in the knee joint. This generally occurs in individuals who are around the age of fifty and older. With the increase in the age the impact of osteoarthritis can worsen due to wearing down of cartilage which usually occurs with age. This can lead to several issues like pain, stiffness of the knee, limited range of motion, swelling of the joint, deformity, tenderness and weakness. The main reasons that lead to osteoarthritis are age, weight, genetics, previous injuries, infections, and illness. Other causes include sports injuries and wear and tear resulting from physical work in occupations, such as construction and manufacturing.

Rheumatoid Arthritis- This is an autoimmune disease which affects the tissue around the joint to become swollen and thickened. Chronic inflammation may lead to damage and loss of the cartilage.

Post-Traumatic Arthritis- A serious knee injury, including some bone fractures and ligament tears can lead to post-traumatic arthritis. These injuries can damage the cartilage in your knee over time and lead to swelling, stiffness and pain.

Ligament injuries in the knees- The ligaments hold the bones together and keep the knee stable, they connect the thigh bone to the lower leg bones. The sprains and tears of the knee ligaments are very common in sports injuries. These injuries result in severe knee pain and could require surgery.

Tears of the knee cartilage- Another type of injury that causes knee pain are the tears that take place in the cartilage of the knee. The cartilage is actually a tough but flexible tissue that covers the end of the bones. A tear in the knee cartilage typically would require surgery.

Author's Bio: 

Steve Jo has visited many pain relief therapy centers around Australia. During his visits he interviewed many healthcare professionals, according to them people suffering from knee pain in Melbourne generally experience some common symptoms which are caused by some serious problems which needs proper treatment.