Solar electricity was once the pipe dream of a bunch of fringe engineers pursuing the notion that there must be a way to avoid conforming to society’s use of electricity from the main grid. Thank goodness the solar energy enthusiasts persisted. We now have a huge number of options for the construction and installation of cheap reliable solar electricity for our homes. (The appliances we use in our homes have also become more efficient, but I'll discuss that another time.)

We now live in a time where we can take advantage of the benefits of solar energy much less expensively. The cost of associated technology has come down, and as with everything, the more there is, the better the price. Only ten years ago the cost of using solar electricity for your home would have been prohibitive. Now this technology can be installed for less than $30,000 for a household. Some would say that is far too much, but the same people are likely to line their house in plywood rather than brick!

Those seeking to exploit the benefits of a solar powered household without the expense associated with a retail installation, can now consider the DIY solar cell option. Many people have taken advantage of this approach now. You don't need to be a builder or an electronics engineer. You just need to be prepared to give it a go, and able to follow instructions.

If you think you'd like solar electricity to your home, but don't' want to spend up to $30,000 installing it, consider building the solar cells yourself. For a very small investment in the right information, you might surprise yourself with what you can achieve. I highly recommend spending a small sum on some information about how to build your own, before you commit thousands on a commercial installation.

You mustn’t be put off by the do it yourself nature of this approach. Besides the satisfaction of completing a project this for yourself, you’ll save a small fortune on the total cost of an installation, and on the power you’ll buy from the local utility company. Anyone with access to basic tools and the ability to follow clear instructions is capable of doing this.

Author's Bio: 

Stu Wards is a business consultant in Auckland, New Zealand. He is currently involved in delivering supply chain training to companies and conferences seeking to improve their bottom line by better managing their spend. Stu has an interest in home improvement and associated technology . He plays golf occasionally, and has a passion for flying the TB10 Tobago and the DC3 Dakota aircraft that he part owns.