
Welcome to Sohba Digital Marketing Company of Pakistan

What’s the difference between this Digital Marketing/Social Media Company over any other?

For the following 3 simple things:-

1. It is the desire of the Company to get your Small Business as quickly as possible to the top of the Search Engines

(and here are the points of difference…)

2. Then turn as much of that human traffic as possible into New Leads

3. Then to actually convert those Leads into New Customers for you.

It’s that simple.

Most people do not track what traffic they are losing and why – Sohba Digital Marketing Company does, then we close those holes.

WHAT DO I NEED>> To Get Started?

Here’s how we see it – there is an ‘On-line Sales Funnel’ that looks much like the image below. Most people who have a Website in Small Business are starting to realize that they don’t automatically get found on the Internet and need to take action to get more Customers on-line. Some have started with Search Engine Marketing and some are dabbling in Social Media but not that effectively. Our goal here is to do the following:-

Create an effective On-line Sales Funnel that works best for your Small Business
We want to have you everywhere that your Customer looks, if your Customer has a preference for Facebook then you need to be there, if others have a preference for YouTube then you need to be there.
And here’s our points of difference – we don’t just drive relevant traffic to your site BUT we also look at how to turn that Client into a lead and
Into an actual converted Customer.
Online Sales Funnel3
So here’s the FIRST STEP TO TAKE…

1) Get Advice…From Us…It’s Free!

Before you even get started – talk to Sohba Digital Marketing Agency to get some On-line Marketing Advice – it’s FREE – it costs you nothing to talk and see what your options are – just fill out the quick Contact Form below to get your obligation-free information.

2) Make a Plan

From there we make a plan. First we listen to you – what is working, what isn’t. It’s then ascertained what marketing you are doing off-line and how it can be supported on-line. We then go away and create a phenomenal marketing plan that covers One-Off Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Advertising, New Lead Generation and Client Conversion tactics that can be implemented over a gradual spread of time at a low monthly cost that won’t kill your business in the process!image

3) Search Engine Optimization

This is where all companies start so they can be found organically in the Google Charts (if they haven’t already had this done). It falls into the Search Engine Optimization category where your site is optimized to ensure you are indexed correctly in the Search Engines/Directories. There are a number of rules and regulations that Google/Yahoo, etc have that need to be implemented in order for your site to be found. Gone are the days where you could just enter 25 Keywords into the back-end code and be done with it. Now you need to keep everyone happy and it’s hard work a) getting you the top then b) keeping you there! But this is where the beginning of the journey.

3.1) Keyword Search

This is where a search is run in Google Keywords so it can be ascertained as to what exact Keywords and Phrases are being typed into the Search Engines so we are not guessing what your Customers are typing in. This is very useful to help you select a good Web Name to purchase (if you don’t already have one) and to determine what top Keywords and Phrases need to be implemented to your Website. You will be provided with a report with the relevant recommendations.

3.2) One-Off Search Engine Optimisation Campaign

Once the Keyword Search has been conducted and your top 25 Keywords/Phrases have been selected they will be implemented correctly to your Website. The following items would be covered:-

Your Web Name if relevant
Any Metatags/Descriptions (Code in the back)
Advice on Website Structure to help your site get indexed better
Copy adjustment with correct placement of Keywords and Phrases on every page
Enhancement of all Alt Tags and Photo Titles
Sitemap creation if relevant/enhanced
Creating a minimum of 8 Keyword Enriched Text Links for quality reciprocal link exchanges
Google Analytics Code addition (if permissions supplied)
Google Verification Code addition (if permissions supplied)
Correct Submission to Google.
This is a very good starting place for most businesses. It stands you in good stead to be organically found in the Search Engines. So many people make the mistake of thinking that just because they have a Website they will be found. No so. This process now does not need to be an expensive one with a huge outlay.

4) Social Media Setups

This section varies according to your business you run. Once your business has been assessed recommendations are made for which Social Media Channels to tap in order to be most effective. For example an Accommodation Provider typically use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest and Trip Advisor – a Coaching company could use Facebook, Blog, YouTube, LinkedIn and maybe even Twitter. No matter what some steps are better than none!

By doing the ‘Get Started’ step will cover the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Setups of Points 1 and 2 of the Sales Funnel.

Online Sales Funnel3Recommended Time Per Week – 1 – 2 Hours


Go to the – ‘seo company in pakistan’ Page to see how feasible it is to get your Small Business off the ground
>>To Maintain?

So once you have your Website up and implemented the SEO and Social Media Setups you now shift into the Maintenance Phase of the Small Business On-line Marketing Cycle.

There are a number of ways this can be tackled as Google now wants the most relevant searches as possible for their browsers, as quickly as possible. To achieve this some/all of the strategies can be implemented to your On-line Digital Marketing Campaign:-

Create other Social Media/On-line setups after the key one’s have been addressed – eg a Blog, etc
Google Adwords/Facebook Adverstising can be setup on your behalf (we also have free vouchers for those who wish to try it out) and we provide a small report on performance with recommended edits each month
We create specific targeted and relevant Social Media Campaign messages (not stuff about how your staff member is off to buy a burger!) that are positioned correctly over a set amount of months and work in tandem with your off-line marketing so they work hand-in-hand together
Results can be tested and measured so after a period of time so we can make the necessary adjustments and improve your results.
This covers the ‘Search Engine Marketing (SEM)’ and ‘Social Media’ sections in more depth of the first and second points of the On-line Sales Funnel.

Online Sales Funnel2

Recommended Time Per Week – 1 – 4 Hours


It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to do this – we understand Small Businesses do not have a lot of cash to throw around. Take a look at feasible it is, go to the ‘seo digital marketing agency’ Page
>> To Get Serious?

So this is where you start taking your position on-line seriously. You realize there is huge potential custom you are missing out on and you want to close up that gap as quickly as possible. This is the phase where we address points 3 – 6 of the On-line Sales Funnel:-

Online Sales Funnel3

We look at ways to improve the buying experience for your Customers on-line
If you are interested we can implement software that can track where your Customers are looking (called ‘Hotspotting’) so we can ascertain where the best places are to place your ads/products
We can implement some software that will record the shopping route of your customers so we can see exactly at which point they are abandoning cart/not contacting you
We analyze what most other companies do not – exactly why most visitors coming to your site and not buying and how to change that
More advanced Google Advertising techniques are used – eg Re-marketing (you can show Google Ads to customers who have left your site to go and look at your competitor websites)
We look at implementing specific Landing Pages with New Lead Generation Forms on to track specific deals and test and measure results
It’s encouraged that New Lead Forms are integrated into your current Website that feeds into one of our recommended Customer Relationship Management Programs
We devise and can implement an ‘Up-sell Sequence’ (branded emails that promote specific messages/products to your existing Client base) – so many people work very hard to get new customers but the current Client base is the easiest way to get new business as they are alreay converted Customers.
We also look at advanced strategies to enhance your on-line digital presence to increase your catchment area.
Recommended Time Per Week – 2 – 5 Hours


None of this need be expensive – check out our ‘’seo digital marketing service Page to find out just how affordable it is for your Small Business to become the leader in your field on-line
>> To Get Super Serious?

Normally you will be reading this page if you have already conducted the first 3 Phases of the Small Business On-line Digital Marketing Cycle. ie got ‘Started’, done ‘Maintenance’, moved into the ‘Serious’ phase and now into the ‘Super Serious Phase’ or you are a larger Company looking for Advanced Strategies and Tactics to take your Competitors head-on.

This is for the Serious Players where:-

We cover any areas in Phases ½/3 that have not yet be covered to date (any missing SEO/SEM/Social Media/Planning) and implement it
An in-depth Competitor Analysis Report can be conducted with a view to find out what your Competitors are doing so you can match it and do better
We look at ways to significantly increase your numbers to your sites ideally with a dedicated marketing budget that can cover both Google and Facebook Advertsing
If you have a Blog (and if you don’t have one this can be created for you) we look at writing Keyword Enriched Articles with auto-feed to your Website
We conduct Article Submissions to sites such as Squidoo, Ezine Articles, etc
Guest Blogging tactics
Specific Social Media Campaign developments – eg Pinterest Pin Board Competitions, etc.
A number of specific ‘Landing Pages’ with different offers all integrated into a Customer Relationship Management System can be created
We actively seek Client Reviews (one of Google’s new ‘musts’ for being found)
Mobile Website creation (if not already in place) and tactics implemented
Strategies to further Engage Facebook and Google+ Fans (another new adjustment to Google’s requirements to being found)
Quality backlinking strategies implemented
Email write-ups and cross-sell tactics created
Vlogs (Video Blogs)
Plogs (Phone Blogs)
Video Marketing
Mobile Marketing and
Viral Marketing Strategies.
These are just a few of the items that are covered. Rest assured that each month someone is working to get you on top of the game on-line.

Recommended Time Per Week – 4 – 8 Hours


Take a look at still how feasible that is to do by going to the ‘digital marketing services’ Page
How It Works

How It Works

There is a simple hourly charge dependent on the lengh of time you choose to run with us. If you are just starting out, we recommend just one hour hour a week.

Packages start from as little as $49.00 + Gst/month and for that you can have all your on-line Digital Marketing requirements handled for you – not like print where you pay and it get’s thrown away soon after it’s been read and what’s more, it is very hard to track.

Remember taking some steps is better than none!

Fill in the Contact Form below and we will touch base with you to help you with any questions you may have.

Please note:- Limited numbers apply. Unfortunately it is a bit like ‘The Exclusive Club’ but we cannot take everyone on-board as there would be a conflict of interest eg if we have a Day Spa in a specific town already on-board we cannot work with another Day Spa in that same town for the period of the contract as this would be unethical. So be quick to contact us so as not to miss out! And don’t forget …

Blog Spot

This is an area that will keep you abreast of the everything that is happening in the Technology Field:-

New releases
What’s happening in the SEO/SEM field
Up-to-date information on Social Media Conversion Techniques
Interesting infographics so you can understand the psychology of buying on-line
And generally a whole lot of ways to get a Lead then Convert them into a paying Customer.

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Author's Bio: 

I am mike thomson, from karachi pakistan, i am a digital marketer. for promote your business contact to me