The other day, while standing in a very long line at my local coffee shop, I struck up a conversation with the woman behind me. We began chatting about everyday topics-the weather, the holiday rush, and then we stumbled on that dreaded topic of the moment-the economy. I asked her a question: "What do you think would be the most important thing you could have in your life right now to support where you are, given the economy?" She was a little surprised by this question, but her reply was very telling. She said, "Having an abundant source of constant cash flow." My next question was, "And what steps have you taken to secure that?" After a long pause, she replied "Not much."

You may want:

•an abundant source of cash flow
•to be healthy and fit•to live in favored neighborhoods
•to have luxurious vacations

Here's the big question: What steps have you taken to secure all of your "wants" in life?I'm quite interested in people and often strike up conversations when time permits. When I get the opportunity to ask people about their plan to accomplish their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals, I get answers like: "Win the Lottery", "Get married again", or "I have no idea." Honest, but troubling answers. These answers tell me that many of us are not taking ownership for our future. We are waiting for someone or something to make it happen. You will need to take the required steps in order to create positive change in your life and fulfill your needs and wants.

There have been times in my life when, after achieving a big goal, close friends and family would say to me: "We knew you could achieve that goal. You've always been lucky." Sound familiar? I was fortunate to have a mentor in my early entrepreneurial journey who became quite successful. He created a lot of abundance in his life after growing up in real poverty. He once shared with me his definition of LUCK: "Laboring Under Correct Knowledge." Well said and I've never forgotten it.

How about you? Do you plan to get "lucky" in 2013? What are you willing to do in order to make your Big Ideas, Dreams, and Goals happen in 2013?What steps are necessary for you to create abundance in all areas of your life?

One of the exercises that the Women in my Success Circles do at the end of the year is to take a "Personal Inventory." It helps to illuminate what went well and also where they might need some support moving forward into the next year. Grab a pen and some paper. Find a quiet spot and jot down the answers to the following questions:

1. What goals were important to me in 2012?

2. Have I been persistent in following my plan to meet those goals?

3. Have I permitted procrastination to creep in?

4. Did I have enough support to accomplish my goals?

5. Did I use my time wisely?

These are just a few of the questions from the Personal Inventory exercise. I invite you to think about your answers. Be honest with yourself. If any of the questions were painful for you to answer because you are not where you want to be, I have good news for you! You are about to step into a New Year. You cancreate a new way of being. You cantake positive action to make your dreams and goals come true. It all comes down to two things: Choice and Decision.

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.


Author's Bio: 

© 2012 Joy Chudacoff
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