A few days ago, I contacted a friend to ask for a referral recommendation for a big project I’m working on. My referral source responded quickly providing me with the information I needed. I was so excited to speak with this potential resource. I immediately and eagerly reached out by email. No reply. Within 48 hours, I made a second attempt via email and phone. No reply.

Can you imagine how I felt?

I have great respect for the person who made the referral. In fact, it was most likely a “done deal” because of the person who made the referral, however the lack of response left me feeling unsure. I began to question the professionalism and expertise of the person I was trying to reach.

Why do I share this with you?

Follow-upis a marketing muscle that you must exercise if you desire to be successful in business. It is the one of the most important (& easiest) parts of securing new business. You can guarantee more clients and maintain a consistent cash flow by mastering this simple exercise .

Feeling like your follow-up skills could use some help? Here are some tips and solutions that are guaranteed to attract more clients and more income when you use them:

1.Make it Timely– When you make a connection with someone or receive a referral request, follow-up immediately within 24-48 hours. The warm connection with the other person begins to fade with every passing day. Remember the follow-up doesn’t have to come directly from you. It can be a member of your team.
2. Monitor Your Channels– With email, web sites, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media channels, it can be exhausting to monitor where potential business is coming from. Dedicate a specific time each day to check your channels of communication to make sure you haven’t missed any important messages or I recommend having someone do this for you as soon as possible in your business.
3. Make it Easy– When you follow-up, offer 2-3 dates and times to chat by phone, meet for coffee or find other creative ways to continue the conversation. Offer a suggestion on how you can take the conversation further. People are super busy and welcome the creative thinking on ways to connect.

Here’s what I love about follow-up: It’s simple, easy and anyone can do it. Oftentimes, it becomes the main reason I choose to do business with someone. In today’s entrepreneurial climate, price is not the only factor for consumers. They want to trust that the person they choose to hire will keep their commitment and provide the service that was promised. What’s the value of that? Priceless.

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you. *****

Author's Bio: 

© 2012 Joy Chudacoff

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000’s of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you’re ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, 2 FREE Reports and FREE MP3 now at Creating The Spark .