As an expert, you likely experience lots of competition. You may be the best. You may have been in your industry the longest. You might have the most expensive education.
On some level, none of that matters. What matters is the market’s perception of who you are.
 Are you the “go to” expert?
 Are you the expert that can help them solve their problems?
 Are you the expert who is the “real deal?”
These are all valid questions a potential client is likely to ask themselves about you. The question you need to answer is, “How do I minimize their concerns to let them know, yes, in fact, I am a bona fide expert?”
One way is to write a book. Better yet, several books . Books give you credibility. Books are great lead generators. Books represent you 24/7.
You have a few choices of what types of books to take to market.
 Physical
 Audio
 eBooks
All three formats have their advantages as well as their challenges.
Physical books are great for a leave behind with a potential client. Sending a copy of your latest book to your current clients is always a hit. Making sure a radio or podcast show host has a copy before they interview you is powerful. These are just a few of the many advantages of a physical book.
The downside is the amount of work that can go into the creation of a physical book. In addition, there is the cost per unit.
With P.O.D. (print on demand) these costs are minimal compared to the past. Yet, there is still the cost.
Audio books are an excellent choice for book buyers who love to pop on their head phones while on a long distance plane ride, driving or just relaxing at home on the weekend.
The challenge with audio books is the recording and editing that goes into the final product. Yet, if marketed correctly, they can generate a tidy sum.
eBooks are becoming a favorite of many readers for the simple reason we are so wired these days, having access to our favorite books on one of the many devices we use throughout our day is a plus.
Although not the only one, but definitely the most popular format, is Kindle version books. The beauty of Kindle books is the built in market on Amazon. With millions upon millions of searches a day on Amazon, an expert would be wise to have their information turned into one or more books on Kindle.
Not only are you able to position your expertise, you can have active links inside your book to drive traffic to an offer and you can have another revenue stream that is as simple as it gets.
The major downside with Kindle is getting lost in the shuffle. But if you know what to do to increase search results, your likelihood of being found it much greater.
Three areas of focus on Amazon are your book description, categories and reviews. Put effort into all three of these and you will have a greater chance for success with your books.
Regardless of what format you choose, get your book in the hands of your readers. As an expert, you need to have as many advantages as possible to stand out from the competition. The best way to level the playing field is to write books. From there, simply decide which format is best for your audience. In some cases, it may be all three. But to start, Kindle is a GREAT choice.

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Hit #1 on Amazon - FREE report shows you how. If you’re an expert who has written a book, or plans to, learn how to get to the top of the Amazon charts.