Difficulty losing weight? Do not know where to start and how to quickly get the desired result? Then you have come to the address!

The sad fact: the standard idea of “eat less, spend more ” works only for a short distance. Calorie counting, hard training, the constant excruciating feeling of hunger ...

This is all the useless suffering that hundreds of thousands of people around the world endure themselves. This approach can even be called masochistic! And most importantly - at the end, almost everyone surrenders and returns the lost pounds.

Fortunately, there is a way much easier. Get ready for easy weight loss , friends!

All you need to do is adjust your blood sugar and insulin levels. Keto diet does this in a matter of days and you easily start losing extra pounds and centimeters at the waist! And to maintain keto diet properly follow the keto forum .

Below we provide practical guidance on how to achieve this.

TOP 7 rules for losing weight

You are ready? Then let's get started!

Browse through all the items, they are arranged in order of importance. However, for each, the most important point may be any of them.

•Choose a low-carb diet
•Eat when hungry. Only when hungry
•Eat organic foods
•Measure progress and be patient
•Less stress, more sleep
•Intermittent fasting

Choose a low-carb diet

If you want to lose weight, eat less carbohydrates. For 150 years, nutritionists from all over the world have been practicing such diets in a variety of variations and yes, they all work.

However, today we know that it all comes down to the energy balance: consume less calories than you spend. But why, then, precisely carbohydrates?

Hunger. First of all, it is hunger that causes all breakdowns and the lack of results of many diets in the long term. And here one of the main advantages of low-carb diets comes to the fore - you will always be full. Even without counting calories, in 90% of cases, people begin to consume less by switching to such dietary regimes.

Moreover, due to the thermal effect of food, people on low-carb diets spend up to 300 extra calories per day while resting!

Low-carb diets are easier to follow and, as a result, easier to lose weight on them.

Eat when hungry. Only when hungry

Do not be hungry!
The most common mistake starting on a keto diet is to continue to be afraid of fat. Carbohydrates and fats - the main sources of nutrition for our body - at least one of them you still need.

Avoiding both carbohydrates and fats, you will begin to suffer from hunger, suffer, and eventually lose your diet . The solution here is very simple - eat healthy fats until you are full. In particular, fish, butter, eggs, bacon, etc.

Especially at the beginning of the journey, avoid the feeling of hunger. Over time, you will begin to be saturated much faster, and your body will turn into a fat burning machine!

On the other hand, avoid snacking and overeating. Listen to your body and give it energy if and only if it asks.Skipping meals is completely normal! You woke up and don't want to have breakfast? Do not eat breakfast. Just do not eat if you do not feel hunger.

Understand that having a stable blood sugar such things as a sudden feeling of hunger will not bother you. Just get used to it.

Eat organic foods

Another typical mistake that people make on a low-carb diet is the use of supposedly “low-carb” foods.

Today, marketers are struggling to sell us substitutes for typical sweets, saying that they do not contain sugar - be it sweets, cookies, bread and more. Do not fall for these tricks! Typically, these foods are full of carbohydrates!

Remember: an effective low-carb diet should be based on real food. On the one that people ate for thousands or even millions of years, for example, meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, oils, nuts, etc.

Focus on consuming high quality products that are subject to minimal processing.

Measure progress and be patient

Tracking progress in losing weight is sometimes a very deceiving process.
Firstly, at the initial stage of the diet, you will quickly lose weight, and after a couple of weeks this process will slow down. This is absolutely normal because the body will get rid of excess fluid, which is held up by carbohydrates and will begin to systematically burn fat.
Secondly, daily weight measurements may not be indicative, as we are all living organisms and we are characterized by small fluctuations in the amount of water in the tissues due to various factors - from stress to menstrual cycles.

Moreover, if you add regular exercise to your regime, then you will grow muscles that are significantly heavier than fat. Under severe stress, the weight can even increase, while the percentage of fat will decrease.

Give yourself some time. Do not weigh yourself more than once a week, regularly look in the mirror, periodically measure your waist, etc.

Getting rid of fat is not a quick process; it can take from several months to a year. Just follow a diet and enjoy life!

Less stress, more sleep

One of the keys to losing weight is the correct daily routine and the absence of stress.
These things are strongly connected, because equally affect our body from a hormonal point of view - they cause an increased release of the stress hormone cortisol, which, in turn, significantly increases appetite and can lead to weight gain.Try to reduce the amount of stress in life. Meditation, yoga and more can help you.

It is also worth adjusting the daily regimen to get enough sleep. Desirable every night.
To do this, follow a number of simple rules:
1. Lie down at the same time;
2. Do not drink coffee after two in the afternoon;
3. Limit alcohol consumption;
4. Do not exercise at least four hours before bedtime;
5. Spend at least 30 minutes in the fresh air every day.

Many may find the above instructions difficult, perhaps due to lack of time or having small children, but believe me, it's worth it. Especially if you are seriously focused on losing weight.

Periodic fasting

These are real "super weapons" for those who want to lose weight and stay in great shape all their lives!

The name should be interpreted quite literally - you need to starve periodically, i.e. There is no specific period of time every day.The most common protocol is 16/8. It means the following: For 16 hours a day you starve, and eat food for the remaining eight.

For example, your first meal is at 10 in the morning. So the last should be later than six in the evening. You can choose any space for food - the main thing is that it suits your daily routine and lifestyle.
Many people choose later intervals for themselves, so that the last meal was in the evening. For example, to have dinner with your family .

The principle of action and the reason for the effectiveness of fasting is as follows:When we eat, more energy enters the body than it needs at a given time. Part of this energy should be stored for later use. Insulin is a key hormone involved in the distribution and storage of energy derived from food.

After any meal, the pancreas produces insulin, which distributes and stores excess energy. In particular, he stores glucose obtained from carbohydrates first in the liver and muscles, and then the excess in adipose tissue.

When we do not eat, the body begins to expend energy. First from glycogen stores, and then from fat depots. Thus, our body is always in one of two states - either energy conservation or expenditure.

When the intervals of food intake and fasting are balanced, the balance of energy in the body is maintained and there is no reason for the accumulation of excess fat.


You are probably wondering why the item on training and fitness is the last. The fact is that this topic is very overestimated in terms of weight loss .

Of course, going to the gym and increasing your overall level of activity will have a positive effect on your health and well-being, but there are things you should take care of first.So, for example, if you eat burgers and drink with sweet soda, even daily hard training will not help you lose weight significantly.

Nevertheless, if you introduce all the previous points into your life and add regular training to them, the results will be much better!
Start with a simple one - regular walks, a bike, dancing - everything your heart desires!

Most importantly, remember that movement is life

So to wrap up today’s discussion we can say that keto diet helps you enjoy your life without losing fitness . So follow these 7 basic tips of keto diet and get fit.

Author's Bio: 

John Smith is a Digital Marketing Consultant with more than 8 years of experience in SEO, SEM, SMO, blogging, etc having wide knowledge base into content marketing.