Leadership and management are often used interchangeably in the corporate world. However, the two are completely different conceptions that demand specific set of skills. Every business needs a combination of both, exceptional leadership skills and competent management tactics.

In a Statista survey to find out the most crucial strategy skills for organizations worldwide, 81% of the respondents confirmed that leadership skills are what matters the most, while working on a complex project.

Leadership and management, are, in a way, equally important skills that help make a firm rise up to the top in its respective market. For executives, both the skills matter equally. To become a prominent global business strategy leader , you ought to learn about being a great leader, and an efficient manager at the same time.

Leadership Skills For a C-Suite Strategy Leader

Great leaders are good at self-analysis, and therfore, can identify their strength and weaknesses with much ease, when it comes to contemplating their own skillset. If you have devloped managerial tendencies more than the leadership traits, look for the ways you can contribute in managing the business processes, while officially working in a leadership position.

In case, the leadership skills overpower your managerial traits, ensure that you contribute to the day-to-day organizational processes and tasks, deploying the same to optimal business advantage.

In the Top Corporate Hierarchies, Leadership Traits Take Over Managerial Abilities

As your strategy career progresses, and you move up the ladder in the corporate hierarchy, the focus starts building on your leadership skills rather than management abilities. And enhancing your leadership qualities demands of you to pay attention to the staff working under you. Alongside, you can enrol into ultra-valuable business certifications that help you nurture strategy-specific leadership skills.

Try listening actively to the team working under you at the organization, while taking full control of the circumstances, thereby showcasing robust confidence, and a firm grip on the organizational activities being executed under you. Envision a bigger picture in your head that holds the potential to take the company forward in terms of growth and profitability.

Is it Possible to Develop Leadership Skills via Training?

While many are born with leadership traits instilled in them, some do develop them alongside the increasing timeline of their professional careers. Having a clear goal in your mind concerning to the organizational future, allows you to change your mental makeup of being a manager, to becoming a leader.

The change in mindset from being a manager, to becoming an effective leader, translates into a shifted focus from successful completion of daily tasks, to achieving the ultimate business goals in the long-term. And likewise, the working approach too, gets altered, while being in a leadership position.

How Does Executive Coaching Help Train Leaders

High revenue-generating firms, globally, are increasingly promoting executive coaching at their respective organizations to train their c-suite leaders on leadership-development. Besides, the job-seekers, aiming executive positions, do consider enroling into executive-coaching programs that offer them a distinct competitive advantage.

The primary objective of the executive-coaching is to make you become an efficient and effective leader. It’s basically an amalgamation of therapy, and the vital teachings of strategy-planning that allows you identify your strengths and shortcomings.

Business Benefits Attached with Executive-Coaching

Among the many advantages, we will be discussing a few, the most vital ones. An eminent personality in your industry is assigned to you as ‘coach’, and that in itself makes the process interesting and valuable, both at the same time. Conversing with a charismatic coach allows you to learn new facets of the domain, and more importantly, to contemplate yourself, in terms of leadership abilities, and the lagging areas to improve upon.

Author's Bio: 

Niti Sharma is a professional writer, blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer. She loves writing blogs and promoting websites related to education, fashion, travel, health and technology sectors.