For men who suffer from Erectile Dysfunction, Viagra is the drug of choice. Viagra’s widespread use, as well as proven clinical effectiveness, has made it a worldwide favorite. Some men, however, do not respond to Viagra and must attempt other means of achieving an erection. In plain language, E.D. is defined as the inability to get or maintain an erection for a long enough time to have sexual intercourse. Alternative therapies have included everything from penile pumps to shock therapy directly applied to the penis itself. Even penis implants are getting to be rather common in men who are unresponsive to Viagra or other alternative treatment options.

A recent study on electroshock treatment of the penis has yielded promising results. The subjects were men with an average age of 61 years, who also were categorized as resistant to other treatments. Though the study sample group was small, with only 29 participants, each subject suffered from severe E.D. Each member was given a strict series of evaluation tests to determine maximum penis hardness before the study began. After a six-week series of applying 300 electric shocks along the penis shaft of each subject, for a period of about three minutes per session, the results were tabulated. At that point, the men had their penis hardness tested, and filled out a data form.

While the study was neither double blind nor placebo controlled, the results indicated that the electrical shocks were highly effective in restoring function to the men.

The Journal of Sexual Medicine reported the results and concluded that in cases of severe E.D. which are unresponsive to common drug treatment, electric shock helps restore at least some function. While the process sounds painful, the shocks are in fact quite uneventful for the subjects, as the electricity is delivered via sound waves and causes absolutely no pain at all.

While Viagra is not effective in 100 percent of all cases of E.D., it remains the most prescribed medication for the condition. Of course, many men do not respond to the drug, and thus seek alternative medical approaches. Electroshock, or sound wave, therapy is but one of the alternatives available. In other studies, such sound waves are used to break up kidney stones, restore heart function, and even help blood vessel growth. The mechanics of the process in E.D. are unknown, but researchers guess that increased blood flow has something to do with the positive outcome of the shock therapy sessions for men who suffer from severe E.D.

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