Many ship owners want to give their ships to efficient ship management companies so that they can give them good returns after some time interval. This task is not easy. You as a ship owner will have to do deep research to seek professional mariners who can take care of your ship well.You have to understand the basic methodology how they operate a ship. How the crew and staff is managed? What are the steps taken to repair the ship? How are the claims settled? So there are so many things which has to be kept in mind while offering your ship to a ship management company.

Here comes the role of an experienced fleet of mariners who have years of experience behind their shoulders in managing a ship. We are one of those well managed ship management companies that can offer you handsome returns on investment.Whether they are passenger ships or cargo we have mariners who are well experienced in handling all the operations of managing a ship.

In our fleet we have also hired some very brightest engineers who are multitasking and can supervise the tasks of repairs and maintenance, dry docking and special surveys, manning, repairs and maintenance, purchasing, insurance , safety quality, environmental compliance services, risk assessment, emergency response management, meeting third party quality assurance compliance, oil majors' acceptability requirements, feasibility project management and new building supervision with full expertise and perfection.

We also deal with pre-purchase inspections and navigational audits which are done in advance by our company. W have the trained crew members who have the practical knowledge of running a ship safely. They are full aware of the technicalities involved in running a ship to its destination.Not only operational management but we laso have technical management experts in our staff who provide consultancy for design an construction of vessels. We have a complete separate technical investigation team which includes experienced marine experts and master mariners. We have a dedicated in house technical team who can carry out the marine surveys which are proactive in approach.

Last but not least we also provide risk management features. We provide consultation of insurance solutions so that you remain carefree for your ship in case any accident takes place.
We always have the benefit of owner in our mind while we are providing consultancy for hull and machinery, freight demurrage and defense. Our experts are also ready with their opinions on ship brokerage, chartering and research.
Thus we see we are not just a ship management company but a whole institution in itself which can help you with any activity with safe running of a ship.

Author's Bio: 

Transocean (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. is a company that offers ship management services to clients located throughout the world. Their ship management services include technical management, operational management, risk management and commercial management. They are supposed to be the pioneers of ship management solutions in India. For more information please visit, .