I used to think sex was bad…

Something tacked onto every human being by some mysterious mistake and now we had to put up with it as a distraction from perfect holiness or something…

Thankfully, I was mistaken.

Unfortunately, a lot of people, even leaders like you, may still live beneath the fallacy of this crazy lie.

Propagated by religious and parental/adult ideas that sought to control you because it is literally a superpower – Your sexual energy.

And now, you may be walking around hating something so powerful within you…

Hating yourself for wanting to have sex…

Or living beneath your full power because you have been convinced by your fears about sex to dampen it down, to just put up with it, to be passive, frigid, to see it as wrong…

But it is a powerful creative energy!

One that you have access to by deliberate design, not by mistake…

And so you find it so hard to create the results you want…

To build a business that impacts and makes millions…

Too many leaders with the ability to change lives are trapped in this nonsense…

Which brings me to the subject of money…

Another great thing – the ability to create wealth and yet, it is also something that I used to be scared to admit…

I love to make money…

I choose to get rich…

It all used to seem so terrible, so bad, so evil…

And then I stupidly wondered why it was such a struggle to break past the internal limits I set for myself…

This far and no further…

I could only allow myself to earn so much…

And thankfully, my money thermostat was set higher than a lot of people but it was still quite limiting.

And your thermostat, Leader, may be considerable lower than mine…

You may think that you can only make enough for survival before the guilt kicks in and you put the brakes on doing anything more to create wealth for you and for yours…

What crazy limiting beliefs we, human beings, carry!

And the worst is that you may not even realise you are doing this…

You just have a vague sense of wondering when it will be your turn to win…

After all, you have given and given and prayed and prayed and wished and hoped and lit every possible candle everywhere and STILL, you struggle to get past survival stage…

People love you, they love how you make them feel but they do not pay you…

And you wonder why this is so.

It is because of your thermostat, leader!

It is set too low.

You have made the ability to have great sex or to make a great amount of wealth subject to your feelings of worthiness…

As if it is in any way connected…

It is not.

It really is not.

Abundance , Great sex…  Both are your birthright.

You were not made to suffer…

No one was made to suffer…

We are all born to live in abundance in all areas…

Which is why people you consider less ‘worthy’ than you have great lives, great sex, lots of money while you… struggle!

Your internal limits set the tone and you believe them because well…  You always have…

And possibly your parents before you believed them too…

And all your friends as well…

And now, you see no way past it except…

You read what I write and you start to think there may be another way to live…

One in which you do not have to feel guilty about wanting to have GREAT sex, not just suffer through it or feel guilty when you do enjoy it and so live a secret life where your sexuality is considered dark and sinister and to be hidden from…

And actually, that just makes you do more things that you find yukky because everything sinister grows in the dark…

And so your guilt and shame get buried in other vices in your life and you refuse to let yourself make money because you feel bad and horrible…

And you cannot talk to anyone about it because, you are bad and horrible, right?!

Or maybe you are a frigid participant in the act of sex because it is not the done thing to be actively enjoying it…

It is a very unsatisfying part of your life and you try not to think about it…

But guess what, it will also show up in other areas because how you do anything is how you do everything…

Your creativity suffers as you deny the procreation that comes out of enjoying your sexual energy…

And if we talk about money, it is a simple truth that the more people you serve, the more money you make but in order to keep your thermostat going, you will limit the people you serve by doing any number of things…

Or you will just refuse to ask for the money you want to make…

Because, OMG, it is evil to want to make money, right?!

Leader, I made a choice to heal and to get clear and life has changed amazingly…

This can be your truth too…

Freedom financially, sexually, spiritually can be yours…

I mean, it really already is but you are getting in the way and I want to invite you to get out of the way by working with me for 5 weeks in the 5C program ( RosemaryNonnyknight.com/5C ) or simply by joining the Deliberate Millionaire ( RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/dmfasttrack ) – Whatever you choose, do something!

Your freedom is necessary!

The world literally needs you to wake up and be the leader you are born to be.

Find out more about the 5C program here – RosemaryNonnyknight.com/5C – This is for leaders who want a short burst of activity to get them going – I will teach you a 5 part strategy for success.

Find out more about the DM – RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/dmfasttrack – This is for leaders who know they are in this for the long haul and they want the continual elevation of thinking and access to a ton of training programs that handle sales, marketing and leadership skills .

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online