Lose weight, stop smoking, exercise more … all good ideas for New Year’s Resolutions … BUT … have you thought about a resolution to make your marriage better.

We could suggest a lot of different resolutions. The ones that we have listed below are our top 7.

Talk them over with your spouse. Of course, it will be much better if you both can commit and follow through; however, that if you are the only one who works at it, you can still make a difference.

When one person changes their steps in the dance, the dance changes. A positive change usually brings about another positive change.

1. Start a gratitude journal. Every day, write one thing about your life together that you like and appreciate.

2. Only say positive things about your spouse to family and friends.

3. Flirt with each other.

4. Begin and end each day with sincere signs of affection, even if they only last for 6 seconds.

5. Learn your partner’s “love language” and find some way to show him or her that you love her in your partner’s own love language.

6. Resolve to always show respect, even if you disagree.

7. Vow to spend 20 minutes together each night just debriefing on your days while apart.

One more to add … Promise yourself that this is the year to learn forgiveness .

Email us at Sally.Connolly@Counseling.RelationshipsOnline.com . We would love to learn about what you and your partner are resolving this new year.

Author's Bio: 

Sally Connolly, LCSW, LMFT has been practicing family therapy for over 30 years. She has taught coursework in couple and family therapy for the University of Louisville and The Louisville Seminary. Sally and her husband, family therapist John Turner, have presented workshops, seminars and retreats for couples and singles with a focus on finding and maintaining healthy relationships.

Read more of my articles at CounselingRelationshipsOnline.com.