If you’re an internet marketer, you understand how important it is to rank on the first page of Google. Indeed every marketer is struggling to see their sites rank at the top. That is because high ranking leads to increased traffic, sales and high conversion rates.
One of the ways of improving your search engine position is by getting quality and relevant backlinks. There are several SEO tools out there that help to build backlinks quickly. SEnuke TNG is one of the popular such tools. In this article, we provide you with a review of this tool. Keep reading to get all that you’d like to know about SEnuke TNG .
What is SEnuke TNG?
SEnuke TNG is an SEO software designed to make backlinks building more comfortable and faster. This tool has been in existence since 2016. The tool utilizes crowd-sourcing technology to enable high ranking on search engines. It helps internet marketers to improve the ranking of their content using methods such as keyword searches, proxies, etc.
What are the Key Features?
SEnuke TNG software has a variety of features for SEO and digital marketing. Some of them are highlighted below.
Crowd Searcher
The feature helps in stimulating internet users searching for the keywords you wish to rank for to click your links. It does this without violating search engines’ and clicks algorithms and helps you rank highly faster.
Inbuilt OCR
SEnuke TNG comes with a dependable optical character recognition function that’s able to solve over 50 percent of captchas expressly.
Unique interface
The developers of SEnuke TNG have redesigned this app. It now features an outstanding interface that anyone can expect the best SEO tool to have. The interface is very user-friendly.
High-quality Macro Recorder
This inbuilt feature helps in generating backlinks for your website from the site of your choice. You don’t have to do any job: The app is automatic and doesn’t require any assistance from you.
The Loop Mode
This feature is beneficial. With the loop mode, your campaign can run continuously till the day you’ll decide to halt it. If you don’t stop your campaigns, they will run till the day your subscription will expire.
Top-notch Spinning Tool
SEnuke TNG comes with an inbuilt spinning tool that can help you rewrite contents that you gather from various sources. The tool helps you to make these contents appear original and SEO friendly.
Indexing and Spider Feature
SEnuke TNG makes it possible to enjoy seamless link indexing more comfortably. The free pinger function on this application ensures that all your pages/links are entirely indexed in the search engines.
SEnuke TNG Pricing
SEnuke comes in two different packages, that is, SEnuke TNG Lite and SEnuke TNG Pro. Both of these packages have a risk-free 7-day trial.
SEnuke TNG Lite
This package requires you to pay $67/month. Once paid, you’ll enjoy full access to all its standard features, including Social Network, Premium Social Network, and Niche Research.
SEnuke TNG Pro
This Pro version charges $147/month. It enables full access to every other feature of the Lite version and all its premium features. With this package, you can take advantage of Proxies, Unlimited Captcha Solving, Turbo Wizard, Diagram Design, Crowd Search and Wizard.
Final Thought
SEnuke has fantastic features that every internet marketer can take advantage of and improve their online business. However, its pricing is quite high. That means most small businesses may not afford to pay $67/month or $147/month to use the app.
It also means that it can, thereby, only help businesses that are already established and generating proper amounts of revenue. So, it would help if the prices are standardized to provide for all businesses from small to large ones.
I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion, etc. It is my Hobby and passion.