Finding an addiction interventionist for your loved one is a positive step in the right direction. While an intervention is not always successful, if you truly care about your addicted family member, you need to try it. We're here to help you in the search for an addiction interventionist.

When family members have tried every way possible to talk their loved one into getting treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction , and still the person refuses to get help, it may be time for an intervention . An intervention must be done properly in order be effective, and the best way to ensure success is to enlist the help of a professional interventionist.

The goal of an intervention is to help the addict see their need for help, and then to accept that help. A person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol will often fail to see the impact their addiction has on loved ones. They may feel they are in control of their life, and that they can stop using their substance whenever they want. In reality, though, addiction causes pain and harm to family and friends.

When loved ones approach the person in need of help, many want to lash out and get back at the person for the pain they’ve caused. Words can get ugly, and meetings between family members can often do more harm than good. An intervention that is not properly constructed can actually push the person farther away.

Help from an Interventionist

An addiction interventionist will help families plan for the meeting with their loved one, and will help them understand the most constructive way to talk to the person. During the intervention, loved ones are encouraged to tell the addict how they have been hurt and what they want for the person. The tone of an intervention must remain positive, however. It must be clear to the addict that their family and friends do care and want them to get help. When done correctly, an intervention will help the addict see that their addiction has caused suffering in the family, and be motivated to get better.

Sometimes a family only has one chance at an intervention, and it is important that the family consult a professional to make sure it is done right. After the intervention, family members must have treatment options picked out, so that their loved one can be admitted to a program immediately after they agree to get help.

Author's Bio: 

Long Island Interventions offers complete intervention services, sober transportation, and sober coaching. We operate an addiction resource center with placement in Long Island and out-of-state. If you're looking for a certified interventionist, we can help you. If you're looking for a drug rehab in Long Island , we've got you covered.