Condensing boilers produce up to 30% less Carbon Dioxide compared to your usual conventional boilers, and are more efficient in cutting your heating bills by up to 40%. This is why as of April 2005, all new and replacement gas fired boilers were required to be the new energy efficient condensing type, for obvious environmental reasons.

Below are the most common questions about energy efficient condensing boilers:

Just how much more efficient is a condensing boiler compared to a conventional gas boiler?A condensing boiler is guaranteed to be up to 91% efficient. Conventional boilers, on the other hand, offer only around 70-80% efficiency.

Compared to a mere 70-80% efficiency for conventional or non-condensing boilers, new condensing boilers do serve better efficiency of around 91% efficiency. Since flues of the new style boilers are equipped with heat exchangers, they effectively capture waste heat and re-use it where conventional boilers do not have.
Are there different types of Condensing Boilers?
Always take in to consideration the different types of boilers to choose from and the factors you may have as an end-user when deciding:

A Regular Boiler is often placed in a loft space since it works with a hot water tank. It is more useful when water pressure is low or if the house has more than two bathrooms, making the demand higher.

A Combi Boiler only heats water on demand. It is not as efficient as the other types but is more cost-efficient that it is at the lower end. If your space is limited, such that of a flat, or there are many people requiring hot water more than 5 times a day, this boiler type is a good choice.

A System Boiler is much more similar to a regular boiler but the difference is that it has an expansion vessel which eliminates the need for the loft space.

Your boiler engineer usually provides the best advice on the best type of boiler according to your needs. Most of the time, their advice are reliable. Getting a boiler is one of the wisest investments you will make, and it is important to find a boiler engineer you can trust. Better if he has been recommended to you and much more importantly, is Gas safe registered.

A condensing boiler will help much to save your costs and is environmental friendly. The more you prolong your choice, the longer time you will spend where you can save them with a more efficient condensing boiler. The sooner you install it, the sooner you can save much more on costs.

What are the benefits of Condensing Boilers?Condensing boilers convert a greater proportion of gas into useable heat, thus leading to your three main benefits:

Increased boiler efficiency
Lower Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions which are harmful for your health
Reduced operating costs which will enable you to save more

Are condensing boilers expensive?They are more expensive, but think of the long term benefits. You invest a bigger portion now and save more on future costs as it significantly reduces fuel bills, compared to getting a conventional boiler which is more expensive in the long run.

To illustrate how you can save more on condensing boilers:Your £10 spent on a traditional boiler operates only at 75% efficiency. In short, you only have achieved £7.50 worth of heat and you just wasted £2.50

Whereas in a condensing boiler, your £10 spent on heating, you get 90% efficiency. You have achieved £9 worth of heat and only wasted £1 compared to the £2.50 lost on traditional boilers. Plus your money lost on fuel bills where condensing boilers can save. You can just imagine how much savings you can get in a month or year!

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If you need help with boilers, our team of experts would be more than happy to help. Visit us in and and we will be more than glad to assist you.