You are probably 50 or 60 and hopeful to invest for your retirement and getting your retirement corpus amount is just half of the task ahead of you. Also, all your plans should be backed up by action; otherwise, they will fail. Therefore, after determining the amount of money you need for your retirement, you should start investing immediately. You can consider an array of things such as the reliable collar option strategy , which allows you to hold shares of an underlying stock while at the same time purchasing selling call options and protective puts.

Construct a total return portfolio

One of the most advisable ways of creating retirement income is constructing a portfolio of bond index funds and stocks. Alternatively, you can hire a financial expert who deals with bonds and stocks to help you create a portfolio. The portfolio aids in achieving realistic and respectable long-term rates of return. It also designs a prescribed set of withdrawing that you are required to follow, which allows you to withdraw between four to seven percent annually, and the inflation withdrawal increases over time. The concept of total returns enables the investor to target an average of 10 to 20-year annual yields that meet or go beyond the set withdrawal rate. You will be required to adhere to a diversified allocation irrespective of the ups and downs of your portfolio every year. Notably, the market returns sequence has an impact on your income when you get regular withdraws in your retirement . Also, some factors affect the total return investment approach such as asset-liability matching and segmentation. However, make sure you hire an advisor to help you use this strategy, especially if you are not an experienced investor or you haven't made disciplined and logical decisions in the past. When managed well, this strategy is one of the best retirement investments.

Rental real estate

Rental property is an excellent retirement investment option because it offers guaranteed income for as long as the property exists. However, you will incur some unforeseen expenses, and rental property requires maintenance. Before investing in rental properties, you should first calculate all the potential costs you are expected to bear over the duration when you plan to acquire the property. Also, make sure you consider vacancy rates because properties don't always have 100 percent occupants all the time. You should first do your homework before venturing into rental property. You can talk to an experienced investor or read books about investing in rental property.

Retirement income funds

They are a unique category of mutual funds. Retirement income funds automatically apportion the investor's money backcross an array of stocks and bonds portfolios through owning selected mutual funds. The goal of this investment is to produce monthly income that is distributed to the investor. Investors can still enjoy control of their principal while at the same time accessing the money any time they want.

Real estate investment trusts (REIT)

REIT entails a team of experts that manage properties, collects rent, collects management fees, and pays expenses. The remaining income is then given to the investor. REITs usually concentrate on one type of property like office buildings, apartment buildings, or motels. REITs can be privately or publicly traded, where the former is sold by registered representatives or brokers who get commissions and the later are traded on the stock exchange and can be purchased by any individual who owns a brokerage account. REITs have tax features of the income that they generate, which makes them an appropriate retirement investment.

Immediate annuities

All annuities are not a form of investment, but a form of insurance. Immediate annuities are among the most popular investments because they give you assured income, which is what you need in retirement. An insurance company takes a lump sum amount from the investor, and the company in return gives them certain income for life or a specified duration. It is the most appropriate retirement investment for people who don't have other sure sources of income. Also, you can choose the annuity time as well as between variable and fixed annuities.

Author's Bio: 

Jeremy loves writing about all things self-improvement and avidly strives to learn more about all thing finances, education, and tech.