Untreated high blood pressure can damage the arteries, brain, eyes, heart and kidneys. This silent killer seldom reveals any symptoms and should not be considered an unavoidable consequence of aging , it can be controlled. You can lower your blood pressure by changing your lifestyle and diet .

Blood pressure between 120/80 to 140/90 is considered normal. 140/90 to 160/105 is considered mild hypertension. The upper figure is the systolic pressure (the pressure when the heart contracts). The lower figure is the diastolic pressure (the pressure as the heart relaxes between beats).

The severity of high blood pressure is ranked according to the diastolic (lower figure) reading. A diastolic reading of 105 to 120 is considered moderately severe. A constant reading greater than 120 is severe hypertension.

Factors that influence blood pressure include a high consumption of salt, fat, stimulants, alcohol, stress, smoking , low potassium intake and a lack of exercise. For some individuals, artificial sweeteners, oral contraceptives and diet pills elevate blood pressure. However, in 60% of all cases of hypertension, excess body weight is a major factor.

For the over weight, each 2 pounds lost results in a one point drop in both systolic and diastolic readings. To get a blood pressure reduction from weight loss alone you need to lose at least 10 pounds.

For those with hypertension who are salt sensitive, limit your salt intake to 500 milligrams a day by making use of low sodium products. Season with herbs or granulated kelp. Increasing your dietary fiber also helps keep blood pressure down. Adding sugar to a high salt diet will increase your blood pressure faster than the high salt diet alone.

The supplements listed below; taken in addition to your daily multi vitamin and mineral supplements, have shown excellent results in reducing hypertension. These remedies should be used only in consultation and with approval of your physician.

B complex supplements - to improve circulatory function. Lecithin contains the B vitamins choline and inositol, which help prevent fatty deposits in the arteries and dilates blood vessels.

Vitamin C supplements with bioflavonoids maintain the health of blood vessels and improves the potassium ratio by assisting in sodium excretion.

Calcium and magnesium supplements help regulate heart contractions, calms the nerves and helps counterbalance stress.

Exercise . People who maintain their physical fitness are less likely to develop hypertension. But if you already have it, there is evidence that regular aerobic exercise can lower blood pressure 3 to 15 points in a few short months. Bike riding, brisk walks or swimming for 30 minutes, 3 days a week are effective in improving your cardiovascular health.

Garlic is an excellent remedy for dilating blood vessels and reducing blood pressure. One or two minced cloves of garlic or garlic capsules taken with 2 meals a day are recommended.

The following herbal teas may be considered for lowering blood pressure; alfalfa, chamomile, catnip, fennel, hawthorn berry, rosemary, sage and skullcap.

Author's Bio: 

Edith Lingenfelter - webmaster of Age-old Herbs shows how "self defense" is natures oldest law and how to prevent your health concerns with natural healing herbs with herbal nutrition supplements. For better health and well being visit http://www.age-oldherbs.com